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Need some help for some excersices
Hi everyone
I work on a Japanese learning from a german university (their uploaded the book), but unfortfunality their didn`t write down the answers. It may seems, that the answers are logical from what one learn in the grammar section. But I had had some excersices in which I were unsure, if I did the right thing. Maybe someone want to the take a look on my answers. I will make my answers bold, so you see what I did. Lesson 5 13- Translate to Japanese (The sentence where in German, so translate it in English, ^^; if you see there mistakes you can also correct my English) 13. From home to the zoo it wasn`t fare. 家から動物園までは遠かったです。 (I`m unsure if I can write Doubutsuen made ha (I`m unsure about the ha)) 14. We bought interesting books in Japan. 日本で面白い教科書を買いました。 (I`m not sure, if I have the verb past tense or the adjective, I think the verb, because I think the books are also now interesting and buying is past tense) 17. In summer vacation the high school students watched three interesting movies in the TV. 夏休み高校生はテレビで面白い映画を三つ見ました。 (I`m not sure if I choosed the right particle after terebi. I`m also unsure if there`s a particle after natsumi or not) 18. Yesterday evening my siblings returned from overseas with the plane. (Now I`m even unsure of my english translation. But is oversea better or foreign country to write?) 昨晩兄弟は飛行機で外国から帰りました。 (Here I`m generally unsure, if it`s right. I do also wounder if there`s a particle after sakuban.) Lesson 6 3. Built reasonable sentences with the default words. 11. 学生 先生 (as well as) 大変だ 学生も先生も大変です。 (Here I`m unsure if the particles are right.) 18. ドイツ もう すずしい が、 日本 まだ 暑い ドイツはもうすずしいですが、日本はまだ暑いです。 (Here I`m generally unsure, if it`s right or not.) Then I have some general questions. What would be the opposite of 汚い. I think after the book it is きれい. But can I use this word in the meaning of clean. (For example clean clothes?) Or would it be better using 清潔? Can I say 日本語はきれいです。 (Because I think Japanese is a beautiful language.) Thanks for you`re help. |
Guten Tag,
13. From home to the zoo it wasn't far. [b]家から動物園までは遠くありませんでした。 (Negative, right?) 14. We bought interesting books in Japan. [b]日本で面白い本を買いました。 (Yes,「面白い」is an adjective) 17. In summer vacation the high school students watched three interesting movies on TV. 高校生[たち]は、夏休みにテレビで面白い映画を三つ見ました。 3つis fine in a conversation but I think grammatically it should be 3本. 18. Yesterday evening my siblings returned from overseas by plane. (Now I`m even unsure of my english translation. But is oversea better or foreign country to write?) 昨晩、兄弟は飛行機で外国から帰りました/帰ってきました。 昨晩(sakuban) is OK but I think I use「昨夜(ゆうべyuube)」more often. Lesson 6 3. Built reasonable sentences with the default words. 11. 学生 先生 (as well as) 大変だ 学生も先生も大変です。 --perfect 18. ドイツ もう すずしい が、 日本 まだ 暑い ドイツはもうすずしいですが、日本はまだ暑いです。--perfect Yes, I think the opposite of 汚いisきれい。きれいcan be used both as 'clean' and 'beautiful', and in this case it means 'beautiful.' 「きれいな服」can be 'clean clothes' or 'beautiful clothes' so I think it depends on the context. (I think 清潔だcan show cleanliness but not beauty.) Can I say 日本語はきれいです。--Yes it's correct. Thanks:rheart:ドイツ語もとてもきれいですね。 |
Thanks for your help. 13. Oh you`re right, I forget made it negative. O_O 17. Ok, ;-) In this Lesson their just started with counting words, so there was just tsu. But thanks for saying, which counter word is the right. 18. Ah ok, I did just know 夕べ, but that could be any evening. ^^ Ok I will note that 昨夜 may be more used. Danke, it helped me really. ^^ And I`m glad, you like German language. ;) |
So new stuff, I`m not really sure about.
Lesson 6, 11 (Just use the right counter word for the objects. But I wasn`t sure on some object, which counter word they may use.) たばこ八つ プレゼント五つ ハンカチ二枚 マッチ九個 お酒三本 or 三杯 ? 荷物六つ 時計七つ 牛乳二杯 ビール六本 コーヒー九杯 きゅうり四本 石鹸四個 テープ七個 ストーブ四つ ケーキ九個 花十本 CD三枚 |
Check and then come back again with revised answers. :) |
Thanks for the list.
In the book was yet only つ 枚 杯 個 台 本 冊 人 (Hope I forgot no one) So I did choose one of these counters. So I check the list out, would I count Shinbun and Zasshi with 部 then, and not with 冊? Or is 冊 also possible maybe? Could it be that stove whould have 台 as counter? (I was thinking about this, but because I was unsure I choosed tsu) For Tabako I would use 本, if it`s one cigarette, but what if it`s mean a package, which word would be used? |
Thanks, this is really useful. ^^
Lesson 7, 5.
8. 今日朝早く起きます。(Is there an particle after 今日 and/or 朝?) 11. 先生は黒板に字を太く書きます。 (I`m not sure if it`s 黒板に or 黒板で) 14. 毎週土曜日洋服をきれいに洗います。 (Particle after 毎週?) I have often trouble with words like maishuu, kyou, asa, doyoubi and so on, if there`s a particle or not. Does anyone may know some site/book, where I can practice, when there`s a particle or not? |
8. If you usually don't get up early, I think 今日は、(朝/あさ)早く起きます(I'll get up early today') would be better. 「は」here means something like 'as for'. But is this talking about this morning, then should it not be the past tense? Or maybe 'tommorow/明日'? You can also say 「今朝(けさ)は、早く起きました。」 11. Yes, it's「黒板に」. 14. 毎週土曜日に洋服をきれいに洗います。I'd add に after 土曜日 but no particle after 毎週。 |
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