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konbini 10-03-2011 12:29 AM

Inconsistencies in Japanese?
Most of you are probably aware that English is full of inconsistencies in spelling, pronunciation and exceptions to grammatical rules.
To some beginners, Japanese seems to be more straightforward and practical despite the fact that there are thousands of Kanji and most have different onyoumi and kunyoumi.
Do you think this is true? Why or why not?
Have you encountered inconsistencies in Japanese grammar, spelling and pronunciation? Were they difficult or simple to understand?

KyleGoetz 10-03-2011 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by konbini (Post 881920)
To many beginners, Japanese seems to be more straightforward and practical despite the fact that there are thousands of Kanji.

Hah, who have you been talking to? I've literally never heard someone say "wow, Japanese is so much more logical than English! (Well, maybe there was this one guy obsessed with anime and Japanese girls who said it, but he was clearly wearing kimigayo goggles).

Do you think this is true? Why or why not?
No, I don't. Why do I think it's true? Because everyone complains about how hard Japanese is to learn! Everyone!

Heck, even natives don't agree on whether 安息日 is pronounced あんそくび, あんそくじつ, or あんそくにち. Sabbath Ambiguous Sabbath | No-sword

Nebelherz 10-03-2011 06:33 AM

I must say I think Japanese is easier to pronounce then English. Sure I`m not perfect, with Japanese pronounciation, but it`s easier then English, where I often have trouble, because I don`t know how to pronounce it. For example I thought you say skunk like skank(with japanese a) but their say skunk (like japanese u). That`s just one example, but their are lot more words and I do really often pronounce words wrong. But a least people seems to understand me.
Disregarding of this, I think English is easier. You can learn it really fast and you don`t have to but much effort in it. (I never really learned well at school. For test I just had a short look of vobalulary and grammar we had in the lesson and learned not extra ad home)
For Japanese you need much more longer, to be able use the language useful. With English you can really fast use it.

But here`s also the question, if English just seems easier, because it`s really similar to German.

I think English won`t be that popular if it`s a difficult language.

Let`s compare Japanese with other language. I think Japanese is easier than french. (I just say this, because, I had six year french in school and can nothing. (Not even when I had it actually, it`s not like I forget everything because of not using, it`s more it never comes in my head)
Yeah, maybe French would be learned fast, if one find a good teacher. (I can`t say if my teachers was bad or if French is just not combatible with me..)

And compare with German. Hmm I don`t know, but I think German is also really difficult, because of irregularity of verbs, der/die/das and there may also other stuff, which are difficult for Non-German-speaking people. I`m glad I don`t have to learn German.

tokusatsufan 10-03-2011 11:37 AM

The accent's the hardest in French,I found. I can do a French accent in English but in French it's a bit harder.

MMM 10-03-2011 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Nebelherz (Post 881935)
For example I thought you say skunk like skank(with japanese a) but their say skunk (like japanese u).

Who pronounces skunk like a Japanese "u" (like "oo" in "look")?

Sumippi 10-10-2011 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by konbini (Post 881920)
To some beginners, Japanese seems to be more straightforward and practical despite the fact that there are thousands of Kanji and most have different onyoumi and kunyoumi.


Sumippi 10-10-2011 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by MMM (Post 881979)
Who pronounces skunk like a Japanese "u" (like "oo" in "look")?

He meant 'Japanese people' by 'they,' I think...
We Japanese tend to pronounce English/other foreing words in the same way as we read Japanese words written in 'Romaji'.

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