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elloimangel 10-11-2011 12:18 AM

could anyone help me with translation / grammar?

is this correct? what i was trying to say say is , ' i am this sleepy ' without using watashi wa

and how else could you say other variations of'i am sleepy'?

thank you to all who answer

masaegu 10-11-2011 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by elloimangel (Post 882705)

is this correct? what i was trying to say say is , ' i am this sleepy ' without using watashi wa

and how else could you say other variations of'i am sleepy'?

thank you to all who answer

ねむいこ means "a sleepy kid" and nothing else.

"I am this sleepy." would be 「こんなにねむい」.

KyleGoetz 10-11-2011 05:48 AM

つかれた is another way to say this, but it's actually more like "I'm beat" or "I'm tired" and not just sleepy. AFter a hard day's work or after a tough time at the gym, you could say あ〜っ超疲れたぜ

Also another is 寝たい (I want to sleep)

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