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82riceballs 05-20-2007 09:11 PM

list of websites
Hey! Does anyone know any good websites that help you learn japanese? please tell me

i'll start with some of the ones that i found helpful:
- jisho.org
- maktos.jimmyseal.net/jip.html
- timwerx.net/language/index.htm
- jgram.org
- yookoso.com
- guidetojapanese.org
- manythings.org/japanese
- geocities.com/easykanji
- kanjistep.com
- kanjisite.com
- japan-studies.com
- thejapanesepage.com
- humanjapanese.com/forum
- jref.com
- japanforum.com (of course!)
and last but not least, the one i just found out about yesterday:
- japanesebooks.jp/learn-japanese/manga-one-piece-episode1-part0.html

Demysia 05-22-2007 08:28 AM

Japanese-Online.com ::: Online Japanese Language & Culture Resource Community :::

I love it so much ^^
Thanks for the list, some of these sites are so helpfulll~ *kudos*

82riceballs 05-22-2007 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Demysia (Post 133785)
Japanese-Online.com ::: Online Japanese Language & Culture Resource Community :::

I love it so much ^^
Thanks for the list, some of these sites are so helpfulll~ *kudos*

Thanks and your welcome! :)

samokan 05-23-2007 01:32 AM

there is already a thread like that, the one in sticky :D " Japanese Language Resources". If you would not mind can you add those website there? :D

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