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kritia 01-19-2017 04:50 PM

Need help with my kanji
1 Attachment(s)
Hei guys!

I am a big fan on Japan and all that is related to the culture,history and cuisine - LOVE IT!

I would like to get some help. My friend was stupid drunk and tattooed the kanji symbols for GOD , HONOR , WISDOM on his arm and I wondered,if it's done correctly. It would really mean a lot for me , if some good hearted person would take the time to help my friend.

Thank you in advance for all the people,who are willing to lend me their knowledge and time , I appreciate it.

NB! The picture should beread from left (up side) to right . I'm sorry for not knowing how to turn the picture.

RadioKid 01-21-2017 11:49 PM

translationofeachwordiscorrectbuticannotrecognizeanyofthembecausethereareno gapsbetweenthem

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