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phishn37 12-18-2007 09:36 PM

Why are they doing Dragonball and not Dragonball Z in movie form? Wasn't Dragonball Z way more popular?

I'm a little bit skeptical, becuase this has happened and failed a few times in the past. And what a weird time to do it ~ ! It's been a while since DBZ or DB were really popular.

But I'll be there anyway ~ !

ryochonan1 12-18-2007 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by tiki808 (Post 327592)
wow thats a pretty hard anime to make into a live action
their gonna have to use a lot of hair product to get the hair right lol

What I think they need to do so that it does not look rediculous, is to maybe make it a little bit more realistic looking. For instance the hair is just not going to translate well, so maybe try and do something different from the way spiked hair becuase it is going to look silly if they actually try and make super saiyan hair. But if anyone can make this movie great it is stephen Chow.

Sphinx01 12-19-2007 03:58 AM

Seriously no way I'd see this crappy @$$ movie

Excessum 12-19-2007 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by Sphinx01 (Post 330193)
Seriously no way I'd see this crappy @$$ movie

And what makes you think it is going to be crappy? Can you back your statement up?

Sphinx01 12-19-2007 04:05 AM

Well let me make a correction then, It just seriously has a bad vibe aout it to me..there...

ryochonan1 12-19-2007 04:30 PM

I think it is going to be alot better than it was, now that Stephen Chow is on board. Although I really don't like that american actors are playing the major roles. I am usually not picky about this kind of thing, but This works alot better if they were asian.

Sphinx01 12-19-2007 04:42 PM


ryochonan1 12-19-2007 05:17 PM

Sphinx01, what would you do to make this film better. I really think this type of film should not happen until the cgi technology gets better, becuase it could end up looking pretty stupid.

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