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Alvinho 07-21-2008 01:09 PM

Power Rangers: a piece of trash!
In 1994, this show was first broadcast by TV Globo since then it's been shown.....it didn't take me a long time to realize they ripped off Japanese show footages....I still can't stand it as it's advertised on TV calls....disgusting.....but the worst thing I've ever seen was Troopers....they shouldn't have fucked up Metalder and Spielvan........

you guys agree with me?

Kaminogirl22 07-21-2008 01:37 PM

Ok power rangers is a rip off I know but still I like it a little. It was fun to watch and for being a kid back then only then you could watch was out of that or Hawaii O five.

Alvinho 07-21-2008 01:45 PM

I admit I was a teen at that time....but if I was a little child, maybe I'd dislike it anyway.......I wonder why they don't produce their own show without ripping off Japanese shows.....due to their low budget to create special effects?

Crani 07-22-2008 12:25 PM

You that Power Rangers is an adaptation of the japanese series Super Sentai, right? So I don't think it's a rip. But the point is, that it sucks... I was never a fan of the series, I watched an episode or another when it was on tv, but this last few series are really bad, now a days, when it is on I just change the channel.

Acidreptile 07-22-2008 12:50 PM

It is lame.That is true.But at least it shows the kids that teamwork is very important.

Alvinho 07-23-2008 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by AnimeGod (Post 544133)
Power Rangers suck! It took the original from Japan and baby-fied it. The Japanese should sue them for stealing footage.

I agree with you, but they certainly have made good profits by handing over the original footage especially the robot fights and some special effects.......

ladyviollet 07-24-2008 11:08 PM

Aw, I still liked it. I forgot which series out of its abajillion, but I had a thing for the green haired green ranger...xD

Aota 07-24-2008 11:51 PM

Hahaha. Time Force. A guy from One Tree Hill's first and second season was the Blue Ranger.

Eh.... I think the only one I REALLY like is the Sentai GekiRanger. Ron was such a sadistic basket case.

But, I really like the American version Jungle Fury too. The character R.J. is a really interesting fellow. He and I agree on a lot of things. Mostly meditation, and protecting the enviroment.

The only original thing Power Rangers ever did, was their two full-length films. One for Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. The other for the lead-in to the Turbo series, which was preceded by Zeo.

Power Rangers isn't a rip-off though. They have permission from the makers of Sentai to copy, and edit to make their own story, and such.

Sentai is more mature because Japan isn't as censored on harsh realities children may face as the US is.

gekiwolf 07-25-2008 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Alvinho (Post 542910)
In 1994, this show was first broadcast by TV Globo since then it's been shown.....it didn't take me a long time to realize they ripped off Japanese show footages....I still can't stand it as it's advertised on TV calls....disgusting.....but the worst thing I've ever seen was Troopers....they shouldn't have fucked up Metalder and Spielvan........

you guys agree with me?

I agree with you.

Tyrien 07-25-2008 10:53 PM

Power Rangers was amaznig. A classic. It went downhill after the seaons with the White ranger started airing. So basically... most of the seasons were horrible.

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