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Kyousuke 03-19-2009 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Sinestra (Post 685609)
yea and did you hear whose writing the screen play for it?

Leonardo Dicaprio because hes been a fan of Akira for years.
I veto this and i might stamp fail on it

If that was not enough now they want to do a Cowboy Bebop live action with Keanu Reeves as Spike. I veto that as well they just keep rolling them out and im pretty sure they will destroy both of these stories

Akira is just too hard to make into a live action movie. Cowboy Bebop can be done but only with the right cast special effects are no problem. Keanu Reeves just doesnt cut it for me. The only good things Watanabe is actually working with everyone on the set of the movie so his input will do a world of good.

better a fan making it than someone whose never seen it before. like the dude that made the bloodrayne movie. now that was shyte. all his work usually is

Aniki 03-19-2009 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Sinestra (Post 685663)
I have actually been thinking about that for weeks now and have not found someone suitable yet. But in all essence of the word Spike is a bad ass and Reeves can not pull that off. He couldn't do it in the Matrix and he failed to do it Constantine. Even in his most bad ass of scenes he was not able to draw it out fully. Plus I dont like his acting all that much i dont think he is suitable for the role. No offense to him or anything but also he is getting older and its showing i dont feel it would work the whole characterization that is Spike would be lost. Just my imo but i dont like it and a shit load of others on the net feel the same.

There is a great discussion going on over at animesuki about it.

My thoughts were exactly until I started thinking who should be Spike. When nothing better came to my head, I let this 'Is Reeves suitable to be Spike' behind. Of course it's a first step to ruining the film, but if other actors do their job well, then not everything is lost. But that's another problem and I don't want to think about it now.
The good news is the producer Erwin Stoff said that they'll remain faithful to the anime series.

Excessum 03-22-2009 05:35 AM

All right, being the impatient little brat that I am, I finally gave in and had a look at a cam-rip of the movie (which I usually don't do, since the quality sucks) and as expected... I was not impressed. They tried too hard to squeeze almost all of the DB story in a 100 minute movie... and failed miserably, of course. The part of DB from the beginning up to Goku's fight against Piccolo is like what? 14 mangas long (or >120 episodes, when talking in anime terms)...
This task is nearly impossible, but maybe, just maybe... with a bigger budget and thus the ability to make a longer movie (5+ hours?) they could have managed to cover it more or less. But what makes me mad is the fact that they did not even seem to be trying... at all.
It was painfully obvious from the trailers, posters and the rest of the advertisement prior to the cinematic release, that the guys at Dune Entertainment were not making a movie for the die-hard DB/DBZ fan (Such as yours truly), but rather a corny Hollywood teen-flick. Well, "OK", I thought... "Maybe they will, at least, make a good movie on it's own and I will judge it from there. Even if it is loosely related, or completely unrelated to the original story, it still could have some strong points." But the sad part is, that they failed even here.
I only hope that they were trying to put so much info in this movie in order to have some foundation for the (already signed) sequels of the movie. But seeing how hard this peace of trash will suck it's not hard to draw a conclusion that it will surely not make the box office top 10. It will be a miracle if it makes any profit at all, so I doubt that the next movies will have a decent budget either... and will suck even harder, if, of course, they decide to humiliate themselves and ever release a sequel at all.

Some spoilers follow, beware.

Originally Posted by Spoiler Alert!
... I mean, Goku learns Kame-hame-ha in a single night. That's just plain retarded. Not to mention the fact that Oozaru is Piccolo's accomplice (!!!) o_O And don't get me started on the whole other things they did wrong. Ok, they were are trying to sell his movie to teenagers, and I could accept the fact that Goku is attending school (*headsmashes keyboard for saying that*) and that he is a troubled emo-like bloke (even if it is completely the other way around in the originial story), but even if it is stupid to expect them to retell the complete story in full detail, why did they had to come up with new s*** to put in the story? The seven mystics? The eclipse in order to call for dragonballs and for Goku to transform in to Oozaru? Some freakish mutant-monsters that are made from Piccolo's blood? Wtf! Toriyama's story was full of all kind of creatures, characters and what not that they could have put in there, why did they have to kill it all with new, often completely unrelated crap of their own?
This movie won't appeal neither to the DB fans, nor the infidels due to both - slaughtering the story and in the same time, expecting the viewers to have certain knowledge of the original story in order to understand a lot of things. It's just a epic failure altogether.
And while I am at it - Shenron looks just like the dragons in Eragon (not surprising, considering the fact that it is made by the same company) and he does not speak... no, you won't hear his goosebump-inducing low pitch voice in this movie... Those cheap bastards >_<

In short - a complete disaster.

angelico 03-22-2009 06:31 AM

i know its gonna suck! but im still gonna see it:vsign: but im a fan of DBZ
yah know it bra!:D

superheel 03-22-2009 06:38 AM

For God's freakin sake, have you guys seen the damn movie yet? You guys are talking and bragging that the movie is gonna suck because it doesnt look like anything like the anime. Geez. First of all, the movie is not based on DBZ, it's based on the original Dragonball series. So maybe let's wait until the movie is released before we say all these kinds of BS about it. The movie's relation from the anime does not make the movie suck. You see, not all americans like anime, this is hollywood, this is america and they want all americans to watch it.

angelico 03-22-2009 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by superheel (Post 687015)
For God's freakin sake, have you guys seen the damn movie yet? You guys are talking and bragging that the movie is gonna suck because it doesnt look like anything like the anime. Geez. First of all, the movie is not based on DBZ, it's based on the original Dragonball series. So maybe let's wait until the movie is released before we say all these kinds of BS about it. The movie's relation from the anime does not make the movie suck. You see, not all americans like anime, this is hollywood, this is america and they want all americans to watch it.

woooow calm down take a breather ^.6 first of all i knew it was the Dragon Ball Series. But i just had to say i im a fan of DBZ. cause i like throwing random stuff in my comments.:D sry if i offended you but i am still intittled to my opinion:D

Excessum 03-22-2009 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by superheel (Post 687015)
For God's freakin sake, have you guys seen the damn movie yet? You guys are talking and bragging that the movie is gonna suck because it doesnt look like anything like the anime. Geez. First of all, the movie is not based on DBZ, it's based on the original Dragonball series. So maybe let's wait until the movie is released before we say all these kinds of BS about it. The movie's relation from the anime does not make the movie suck. You see, not all americans like anime, this is hollywood, this is america and they want all americans to watch it.

For Devil's sake, did you even read what I wrote before criticizing me?

superheel 03-22-2009 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by angelico (Post 687017)
woooow calm down take a breather ^.6 first of all i knew it was the Dragon Ball Series. But i just had to say i im a fan of DBZ. cause i like throwing random stuff in my comments.:D sry if i offended you but i am still intittled to my opinion:D

Lol, I'm not really attacking you on that one. You're cool. It's those people up there that judges the movie because of the anime. I just can't stand that. Yes, everyone has the right to express their opinion. But if their opinion is based on biased judging and immaturity, then they should just shut up. I think people never heard of critiquing. Oh well, anyways, you're cool, you did not offend me in any way.:ywave:


Originally Posted by Excessum (Post 687023)
For Devil's sake, did you even read what I wrote before criticizing me?

It's the same thing, I'm not attacking you. But anyways, you judged the movie based on the manga. That really doesnt count in hollywood. As far as I'm concerned the movie is made well, and for me, the movie is a modernized dragonball. Don't you think it will be more kiddy if they have their original costumes? Just look at it this way, the movie has it's own story, and the director made it clear that they will not follow the anime or manga's storyline. It has it's own storyline but it will keep most of the elements and spirit, much like the Resident Evil movies.

angelico 03-22-2009 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by superheel (Post 687025)
Lol, I'm not really attacking you on that one. You're cool. It's those people up there that judges the movie because of the anime. I just can't stand that. Yes, everyone has the right to express their opinion. But if their opinion is based on biased judging and immaturity, then they should just shut up. I think people never heard of critiquing. Oh well, anyways, you're cool, you did not offend me in any way.:ywave:

oh okay i understand now:D your cool too.
we should be friends:p

Excessum 03-22-2009 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by superheel (Post 687025)
It's the same thing, I'm not attacking you. But anyways, you judged the movie based on the manga. That really doesnt count in hollywood. As far as I'm concerned the movie is made well, and for me, the movie is a modernized dragonball. Don't you think it will be more kiddy if they have their original costumes? Just look at it this way, the movie has it's own story, and the director made it clear that they will not follow the anime or manga's storyline. It has it's own storyline but it will keep most of the elements and spirit, much like the Resident Evil movies.

You still don't seam to have read the whole thing, or if you did, then you apparently did not understand what I wrote there... Let me pinpoint it out for you:

Originally Posted by Excessum (Post 686989)
"OK", I thought... "Maybe they will, at least, make a good movie on it's own and I will judge it from there. Even if it is loosely related, or completely unrelated to the original story, it still could have some strong points." But the sad part is, that they failed even here.


This movie won't appeal neither to the DB fans, nor the infidels due to both - slaughtering the story and in the same time, expecting the viewers to have certain knowledge of the original story in order to understand a lot of things (happening on the screen). It's just a epic failure altogether.

+ As I also wrote, I would not mind the alterations of the story, but what I do mind is the fact that they introduced new and completely unneeded concepts that are often completely controversial to the real deal.

PS. And in case you missed that too, Yes, I have seen the movie.

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