i'm not talking about just another movie.i know the're over 20 or so.but a remake or a homage of the original.many so-called sci-fi experts agree the first godzilla to be a superb film..i've heard it,i've read ,that the young people today, even some otaku consider godzilla the jar-jar binks of japans monsters.i beg to differ.here we have a country that not to long ago was at war with the world,and had to be stopped at a terrible cost and a terrible weapon..atomic fire....so what do they do?they create a monster that attacks the world with atomic fire....there is something there,deeply inbedded in the japanese soul.......................if i had the money i'd do it myself.hi-def monochrome,fashions to fit the period(early 50s).but what about the monster?cg stuff,the guy in the suit?..the old design,or the"new".