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prixone 05-04-2010 08:29 AM

Recommended: Kurosagi


Kurosagi is based on a young man seeking revenge on the "shirosagi" (or white swindlers who swindle by defrauding others) by swindling them out of most if not all of their money then sending evidence to the police capable of putting them in prison. Six years prior to the show, Kurosaki's father was swindled out of his money... because of this, his father killed Kurosaki's mother and sister followed by committing suicide herself. Kurosaki then becomes a swindler himself, a kurosagi (The Black Swindler who swindles other swindlers). By doing this he helps the innocent people who got swindled by the culprits and gets their money back. In this whole scheme, Kurosagi is met with a stubborn grad student, pursuing to be a prosecutor.
The history, the plays and everything is very very insteresting and once you start watching it you can't stop...

I am recommending this TV Show and for those who havent saw it i hope you enjoy it.

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