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HaloNeko 03-24-2008 06:31 PM

ummm... wow.

MissMisa 03-24-2008 08:53 PM

Yay Dir En Grey thread ^-^

Dir En Grey are awesome, especially live! My friend got a plec they threw out which was cool ^-^ I nearly got a random towel that got thrown out, but a girl snatched it off me ;_; Anyway me and my boyfriend took some pics if anyone is intrested, although they kind of told us not to bring cameras into the venue >.<

Please excuse the quality, my boyfriend took these and he got pushed back farrrr and I was getting crushed because I was on the front row and everyone was pushing me over the crowd barrier thingy >.<

ajsnoopy 03-25-2008 02:13 AM

lovin' me some Die in that last picture O_O

finally!! picked up Vulgar the other day :) and glad I did! Didn't know what all was going to be on it but I gave it a listen to. Wasn't a fan of Obscure before, but now that I've listened to it a bit, it's growing on me :)

pretty piccu ahead!

clairebear 03-25-2008 02:53 AM

Uh, maybe you should use the dir en grey thread..and someone else already owns kyo, sorry. :rolleyes:

ajsnoopy 03-25-2008 03:00 AM

yep...like we stated before in other threads, Kyo's been claimed for quite some time now O_o

adina 03-25-2008 08:31 AM

didn't nan said that she won't allow any battles?

LittleFallenAngel 03-25-2008 02:50 PM

Hard to choose for me X_X...
I love kyo his voice X_x...
But i also like Totchi alot
*head desks*
Whoooo to chooooose......
*brain starts breaking*
I dont know...

NeoVisualizm 03-25-2008 04:40 PM

Hmm... now it is way too hard to make a choise between Dir En Grey guys ://
*me thinks*
seriously i wont be able to choose XDDD

btw, i dont think they are gonna release an album soon ://
Because they released one called In Weal or Woe in feb i think :/
but thats live performaces DVD ^^

LittleFallenAngel 03-25-2008 04:42 PM

Im choosing Totchi!
That doesnt mean.
I dont like Kyo aswel!
They are both for the win!..:rheart:

NeoVisualizm 03-25-2008 04:46 PM

ooohh Totchi^^
me still cant choose XD
someone rescue me XDD

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