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NanteNa 12-29-2007 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by jrocker21 (Post 339801)
6 diru albums? wow, i read somewhere a few pages back that you got the gauze album?
i'm so jealous, i love that album next to vulgar and withering to death!
gauze is the album i want really really bad..
just got kisou, vulgar, withering to death, moab, decade, and two live dvds.

oh well, but i ordered the decade albums, it's the shit!!!
*waves decade albums*
i can't stop listening to it...
got them a day before christmas with two live dvds i ordered from cdjapan.

WRAH! U cheater!! *_*; -sniffles from by far- EEK! U lucky soab!

Anyway. I haven't gotten 'em yet. ^^
They'll be here mid january. *sigh*
I ordered uhh.. Gauze, the Marrow of a Bone, VULGAR, Macabre, Withering to Death and uhh.. uhh.. *thinks* Kisou? O_Ô Yuh. I think those are the ones. EEK! I would kill for the 6 ugly. *_* I love Umbrella to DEATH!! X''3

JRockaddict 12-29-2007 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by MaymeRachael (Post 339590)
@Jrockaddict--> what did your vid consist of?

it's a bunch of clips i put to music to describe my love for Kyo...
i thought it was okay...

jrocker21 12-29-2007 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 339810)
EEK! I would kill for the 6 ugly. *_* I love Umbrella to DEATH!! X''3

i know, that song is awesome!
i liked the way they played in the live dvd..umm..in it withers and withers dvd!
that song just remind of the song LINDA by gazette. ^^

MaymeRachael 12-29-2007 10:34 PM

@Nan-->By the time that your cd's get to your house you will probably have forgotten then it will be Xmas II at your house when you open them! ^_~

NanteNa 12-29-2007 10:52 PM

Hahah! Like.. Linda? omg. X'3 I never noticed that. O_O'' I only saw the VULGAR 04' DVD. >_>'' Jeez. I'm such a n00b when it comes to Diru. I'm SOO much more into the whole Gaze-thing. :''3 But Kyo pwns and Diru does that.. all in all. X'3 mwhaha!

AH! Goodie pointe Mayme! *_* -dances- EEEK! That'll leave me with.. 1-2-3 more Christmas's! The two boxes will apprx. arrive in mid january. The DVD's after and I'm receiving two cd's soon. Actually on each time. That leaves me with 4 Christmas's extra!! *_* EEEEEEEK!<3

MaymeRachael 12-29-2007 11:05 PM

Awwww! Aren't you so special! You're so lucky! (admires) ^_^-->o_O'
My second Xmas should arrive on Monday!!! Wooooooo! (dances)


NanteNa 12-29-2007 11:11 PM

OMG! YAAAY! Which Christmas is that?? The Meevster Christmas?? *_*;; -faints- Darn yoooou! X''3

I really need ALL my new stuff to arrive.. NOW! X''3

MaymeRachael 12-30-2007 12:37 AM

Yes my Meevster Xmas ^_^'
(:rheart: you too ^_^)

NanteNa 12-30-2007 12:47 AM

EEEEK! X'3 *faints* That's so unfair!! My won't arrive until forever. -dies-

I'm dying. T_T;

MaymeRachael 12-30-2007 12:51 AM

I get to experience a Miyavi Christmas!!!!

Nah Nah >_< :p

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