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xYinniex 03-27-2008 08:26 PM

awww, so she deserves to own him because she harms herself as well?
wow. twisted logic.

we appreciate them as artists, you can't accuse us of not doing shit for kyo, we're there as his fans and thats the best we can do.

thing is, sweetheart, kyo doesn't know you exist.

adina 03-27-2008 08:30 PM

haha.... touche yinnie
and maybe you girls need a psychiatrist

LittleFallenAngel 03-27-2008 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by HizumiIsMineFolkes (Post 438400)
she still owns him and thats the end of the line.... no matter what you people THINK in your little fantasy lands kisukeurahara OWNS KYO!!!! You wouldnt do shit for kyo anyway so shut the fuck up and leave it be bitches!!! if i get deleted oh well.. she's my best friend in the world and i will fight someone to the death for her... SHE OWNS KYO.. SHE ACTUALLY DESERVES TO OWN HIM!!!!!!!!!!! AND SHE DOES... YOU DONT AND SHE DOES.. END OF STORY!!!!SHE WOULD GIVE UP ANYTHING FOR KYO..EVEN HER LIFE.. SO SHE OWNS HIM!! DELETE ME I DARE YOU!!! IM FIGHTING FOR HER AND I DONT CARE AT THIS POINT IF YOU DELETE ME! :mtongue:

Chill down NOW!
LIKE WE said before someone ALREADY claimed kyo WAY BEFORE your friend did.
EVEN if she WANTS him the owner now WOULD say that i just can get out off here.
THOUGH, Kyo DOESNT know you.
SO why do YOU think we don't give about kyo?
We are his fans y'know?!..
And if we didn't care about him.
Why do we listen to his music then?
@ Yinn;
I agree with you completely.
And both Hizumi and Kisuke, both act like your ages..
You guys really sound like 4 year olds..

xYinniex 03-27-2008 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by adina (Post 438409)
haha.... touche yinnie
and maybe you girls need a psychiatrist

i'm pmsing, i have no time for squealing fangirls after my horrid experiances with rabid fangirls at the ancafe gig.

LittleFallenAngel 03-27-2008 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by HizumiIsMineFolkes (Post 438412)
Oh Please... She's Getting Sick Off This.. She Owns Him End Of Story..

Do You Think He Knows You Exist Either ???? No Dont Think Soo.. End Of Story!

She's Actually Tried To Talk To Him!!

*Rolls with her eyes*
Did she ever saw him in real life?
And yes he knows who i'am, how?
I did go V.I.P to their concert last year when they were in Holland.

adina 03-27-2008 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by xYinniex (Post 438411)
i'm pmsing, i have no time for squealing fangirls after my horrid experiances with rabid fangirls at the ancafe gig.

I agree with...we all are fan-girls but these two crossed the line

offtopic: you saw ancafe??? *ish jealous*
lucky youuuuu

xYinniex 03-27-2008 08:34 PM

uh huh. sure.

you know we don't care whether she has met him. it has no relevance to claimings in this forum.

there is a first come first served basis on this forum. so, unfortunately someone's already claimed him. and this is only for fun anyways, so you dont need to take it seriously, so i have no idea why she's getting so sick of it.

LittleFallenAngel 03-27-2008 08:35 PM

@ Yinnie;
My gosh o.O...
We really are a bit the same arent we lol?...

clairebear 03-27-2008 08:45 PM

And someone else already owns Hizumi aswell.

You cant come on here and scream at us telling us that you own certain jrockers THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN CLAIMED WAY BEFORE YOU. GEEZ. Whats the big deal?? So, in your little mind, you own Kyo. On here you dont. Is that so heartbreaking? Is it really the end of the world if you dont "own" Kyo on a forum? Grow up. If Kyo saw what you were saying about him, I'm sure he'd be creeped out too. I'd hate to think about what you'd do if you met him. I hope you realise that you cant go around different websites claiming you own kyo. HUNDREDS OF FANGIRLS SAY THEY OWN KYO. YOU ARENT THE ONLY ONE. Tooru owns Kyo, and as much as you say you own him, on this forum, you DONT.

Gah, crazed fangirls like you make me so pissed off.


Originally Posted by HizumiIsMineFolkes (Post 438337)
ok sorry to tell all of you but kisukeurahara owns kyo!!! you do not know how long she's loved this guy and she literally abuses herself for him..would you jump infront of him if someone tryed to shoot him?? would you fish hook your mouth and drink your own blood for him?? would you make pretty patterns all over your arms and scratch up your chest like kyo??? would you know every single lyrics in japanese and english??? would you cut your hair and dye it like his??? would you wear your makeup like his?? would you have kyo written all over every peice of clothing and your wall and have over 200 pictures of him by himself??? would you look up every single music video??? do you like him puking?? how bout when he likes to abuse himself?? would you die for kyo?? would you have the kanji for kyo carved into your ankle??? would you know one of there songs in not even an hour??? would you pay 50 bucks for all his cds and dvds each?? would you draw 50,000 pics of kyo in chibi form and regular form?????(i did draw him though)...would you draw kyo's kanji and hearts alll on your pillow??? do you know every single thing about him?? and could you remember it like that??? do you smoke because of him even when you promised yourself you wouldnt??? nope didnt think so!!! kisukeurahara does all of this and more just for kyo!!!! i should know im her best friend and i see her do all of this and more!!!!!! every single day!!!! she has ownership!!!! sorry to tell ya!!! but SHE DOES HAVE ALL FULL OWNERSHIP OF KYO!!!!!!!!! :mtongue:

She does all of that? That is TOO FAR. :confused:
Surely thats past being "obsessed"
She might as well go to Japan and stalk him. Or has she done that already?

Miyavifan 03-27-2008 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by adina (Post 438112)

yeah...that's what I know *sighs*
anyway...when nan will come she'll know what to do

and kisukeurahara take it easy...you DO NOT own kyo on this thread

yeah, she will. Boy am I glad I missed all this yesterday, or last night, whenever it was.

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