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clairebear 03-27-2008 10:37 PM

Looking at Hizumi's profile, she says she owns Bill Kaulitz.
I wonder if she acts this way on websites because of Bill aswell..
I can imagine.. "I OWN BILL SO BACK OF BITCHES!!!"

Lol, fangirls all over the internet have ownership of Kyo, Bill, Hizumi, etc. Hizumi and whats-her-name-stalker-girl seem to think they are the only ones who really DO own them. o.O
Yep, I think both of them should be banned. Theyre both doing nothing but causing trouble where it isnt needed. Once they get banned they can go back to the jrocker-dedicated dungeons that they have in their basement...

Miyavifan 03-27-2008 10:42 PM


I'll bet she doesn't. It's just cause he's Kyo, I'm thinking.

I would have loved to own Kyo, myself, but have accepted it won't happen.

It would be a rare opportunity, if she gave him up.

I agree. Both should be.

xYinniex 03-27-2008 10:46 PM

at least most jrockers are in good NON obsessive hands on jf.

Miyavifan 03-27-2008 11:31 PM

eh, true.

I greatly love and admire Kyo(among others), but I would never do what they do, that is harmful just cause they do it. I'm more likely to tell them that I wish they wouldn't do it.

Now the good things like food or drinks, etc, that jrockers like, I will give a try.

HanaSan 03-28-2008 01:17 PM

Could anyone translate this for me? Domo Arigato!

Ai Otsuka-Chu Lip

PAPA no you na hito ni hikareteru you na
nochi ni kidzuku nazo
MAMA no you na hito ni natte itteru kigasuru
toshi toreba toru hodo nazo
Koishitereba anata no subete ALL RIGHT!
rikutsu mo riron mo iranai wa STAND UP
hikarete shimau no ga nani yori shouko
Ah-ha, ah-ha, ah-ha
CHU-LIP no koi moyou
CHU-LIP no koi moyou
CHU sureba suru hodo suki ni naru
CHU-LIP no koi moyou
CHU sureba kizuku unmei no o-aite
kare to kurasu to kuse ga nitekuru
YUNI zottari suru nazo
koishitereba subete ga ni bai POWER
mamori mo yowasa mo iranai wa DANCING!
hanararenai no yo souyuukoto
Ah-ha, ah-ha, ah-ha CHU-LIP no koi moyou
CHU sureba suru hodo iro fukaku naru
CHU-LIP no koi moyou
CHU sureba ichi hanashi hajimaru STORY
CHU-LIP no koi moyou
CHU sureba suru hodo suki ni naru
CHU-LIP no koi moyou
CHU sureba kizuku unmei no o-aite
nazo idenshi nazo idenshi nazo idenshi
Nazo idenshi nazo idenshi nazo idenshi
nazo idenshi nazo idenshi nazo idenshi
Nazo idenshi nazo idenshi nazo idenshi

jrocker21 03-28-2008 06:29 PM

*stops in thread*
what happened to my precious thread??
*glares everyone*

why is there a poll thingy here..
and whose getting banned??
and did someone say get this thread deleted??
*glares some more*

adii.. those piccus were smexi..and i ain't gonna kill for hugging dai dai.
i gave you permission..
but i'm back so no more hugging.*grabs dai dai*XD

LittleFallenAngel 03-28-2008 06:36 PM

Eto...we had some problems you see...
and we got moved over here...
and now theres a poll above it...
and i dont know what else to say X_X..
just ignore the posts>_<

jrocker21 03-28-2008 06:38 PM


ajsnoopy 03-28-2008 06:57 PM

yeah..a newbie came on claiming she owned Kyo and would do anything and so on and so forth...and now there's a little poll thingy up there O_o I'm thinking the threads were merged or something...eto....yeah <.<

more diru goodness to lighten things up n__n

LittleFallenAngel 03-28-2008 06:59 PM

Though im glad they banned her X_X...

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