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NanteNa 12-30-2007 12:58 AM

Oh well. ^^ let's see.. *thinks*

I get to experience a uhm..:
Miyavi Christmas
Diru Christmas
Gaze-christmas x 2
Alice Nine Christmas x 2
SID Christmas
12012 Christmas

Oh well. ^^ I guess I'm not that lost in sadness-land anyway. XD

InsaneDoll 12-30-2007 11:20 AM

oh moo! I get to experience a nada christmas. now this is the trv-est shit.

Fielia 12-30-2007 03:38 PM

I will order some Diru cds during this year. My christmas will be in summer, perhaps.

NanteNa 12-30-2007 04:16 PM

omg. XD ID that sucks. *pats*

EEEK! It's like.. the 2nd on tuesday! *dances* Only.. uhh. *think* max 14 days left!! *_* -faints-

InsaneDoll 12-31-2007 08:29 AM

yeah .. but I`m getting used to it -licks Dai`s arm- (yes I have permission .. or I think I do .. last time I checked I had permission -scratches chin-)

speaking of Dai .. I know I posted this pic in the other diru thread but it deserves some attention again:

Dai has hickeys .. Dai has hickeys xDDD ... they`re all dorks yet they are so damn adorable .mua

Fielia 12-31-2007 02:34 PM

I love the second picture. They are so adorable!

xYinniex 12-31-2007 02:35 PM

wow.. kyo's heavy on the tan in the first piccu.

NanteNa 12-31-2007 03:36 PM

He has? O_Ô *slaps screen* My computer has fucked up settings. -_-'' I cannot see any hickeys. >_>''

EEEK! XD his tan is funny.

Tooru 12-31-2007 04:20 PM

xDDD I love how Short Kyo is compared to the rest of them. xDDD And nice hickey's DieDie. xDDD

Fielia 12-31-2007 04:24 PM

I don't know what hickey means in Finnish. Does it mean the marks in his neck?

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