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Miyavifan 04-01-2008 12:47 AM

oh, no... You lost your camera?

Tooru 04-01-2008 01:23 AM

I think I left it at this girls house back when we were friend like three weeks ago, Now she wants me dead, So I doubt I'll get it back. Which sucks. >_<

Miyavifan 04-01-2008 01:32 AM

oh... o_O

I can't imagine someone wanting that.

I'm really sorry you won't get it back.

DivineBled 04-01-2008 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Tooru (Post 443745)
I think I left it at this girls house back when we were friend like three weeks ago, Now she wants me dead, So I doubt I'll get it back. Which sucks. >_<

aww poor you ***hugs**

adina 04-01-2008 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by ajsnoopy (Post 443403)

may today be filled with all things wonderful and fun for you!

-faints- I need a verrry cold shower now...*feels horny*
totchiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -dies-

InsaneDoll 04-01-2008 12:44 PM

DROOL AWAY PEOPLE :puccasmile:

lovely men heh? -wink wink-

jrocker21 04-01-2008 02:07 PM

the second one is sexy...
you can even pull his pants down without unbutton anything..*feels kinky*

kao always looks good in black faded jeans.. it's like it was made for him.x3

adina 04-01-2008 02:19 PM

kao is beautiful <3
and ID I repeat don not tease me with toshi....it's dangerous
this is a warning >____<
*throws cold water on her*
is not working goddammit >_<

InsaneDoll 04-01-2008 02:23 PM

yeeeeees .. clothes that can be pulled off of him without too much trouble are meant for KaoKao.

I`m surprised that Adi hasn`t jumped on Tosh yet. he is her biggest love after all .. or maybe we teased her too much? -gives cookie to bubbles-
it has even a bite on it.. Kao did it -passes the blame-

buttercup .. still learning anatomy with Dai Dai?
psssssssssht .. that`s not meant for me. I`m learning physics myself with Shin. the definition of zero law of thermodynamics, the periodic circular movements, the collision theory -coughs-

we`re better at practice than at theory though.

"Potential energy of my falling ischium and kinetic energy of Shin’s accelerating iliac commixed; colliding impulses bred gratifying momentums, conducting vehement heat throughout my living molecules. Shin`s longing physique was a blazing furnace, enduring dynamic force of invading vectors, electric currents of undulating libido and constant pressure of aggrandizing satisfaction, straightly delivering him to the brink of urgent release."

anyone understood? no? oh well .. class dismissed anyway :puccasmile:

adina 04-01-2008 02:25 PM

my head hurts.....are you speaking chinese???
hehe....and I didn't jump on toshi....yet.....grrrr >_____<
-pinches his butt-
I'm ho -coughs- rny XDDDD

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