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jrocker21 04-01-2008 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by InsaneDoll (Post 444323)
buttercup .. still learning anatomy with Dai Dai?
psssssssssht .. that`s not meant for me. I`m learning physics myself with Shin. the definition of zero law of thermodynamics, the periodic circular movements, the collision theory -coughs-

we`re better at practice than at theory though.

"Potential energy of my falling ischium and kinetic energy of Shin’s accelerating iliac commixed; colliding impulses bred gratifying momentums, conducting vehement heat throughout my living molecules. Shin`s longing physique was a blazing furnace, enduring dynamic force of invading vectors, electric currents of undulating libido and constant pressure of aggrandizing satisfaction, straightly delivering him to the brink of urgent release."

umm.. no! i've passed that class with an 'A'..:vsign:

but i should take physics now... that sounds fun!!

and i must quote cause that was genius blossom..
oh wait.. look at that, i did quote you.:D

InsaneDoll 04-01-2008 02:45 PM

heh .. there were some other physics shit .. but they were way too complicated and made me look way too smart :rheart:

and adi-chan is being a cutie trying to relieve herself of the need to dry-hump Tosh. and for her sake I won`t upload the pic with him and Dai .. or maybe -ponders-

congrats buttercup -throws clothes .. I meant text books in the air-

well yeah .. physics does sound appealing now. -blushes- especially the practice part of it. physics is all about practice baby

adina 04-01-2008 02:51 PM

OMG OMG smart people.....-faints-
me hates physics,math and all that >___<
and do not post the pic with toshi and dai...I have it and I'm actually staring at it
the world is so cruel

jrocker21 04-01-2008 02:56 PM

well, i want to see it!! *begs blossom by rubbing thighs*

InsaneDoll 04-01-2008 03:01 PM

arrrrrrrgh -rips clothes ... I still mean text books apart-

this is the oh-so-famous pic
(they do look quite dubious actually but meh ...)

adina 04-01-2008 03:05 PM

youuuuuuuuuuuuu didn't
*tries to ignore the piccu*
omg take toshi and dai out of the thread NOW if you don't want something "bad to happen"
actually...whatever......*jumps on top of toshi and starts kissing him*
id you asked for it
this piccu ish tooooooo HOT

jrocker21 04-01-2008 03:09 PM

*pushes adii and totchi away*
i rather be the one sitting underneath dai...

ajsnoopy 04-02-2008 02:05 AM

with ya on that one, jrocker21 O_O hehe..daidai is so shemxy in that pic..and you can't help but notice where his hand is X3

and Kao-kun losing his clothes? O_o *sits and watches* heeeee XD

InsaneDoll 04-02-2008 11:26 AM

it`s something about the backround of that pic that seems .. out of place O.o

but who cares anyway .. their faces are priceless.
and there was a rumor flying around that Dai kissed Kao.. :puccasmile: true or false? I`d want it to be true of course.

fluffy FF with Kao with Tosh

adina 04-02-2008 11:35 AM

that was definitly the fluffiest ff ever.toshi is such a cutie pie...and shin too x3`
and dai ish such a sexy dork like kaoru <33333333
what?dai and kao??-drools-
I want to see x33

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