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adina 04-21-2008 06:17 PM

haha...I know you do -kisses-
myvfan@ I don't think that's possible either -pouts-

InsaneDoll 04-21-2008 06:18 PM

come on now adi-chan .. you had Dai and you had Shin .. you got our important men -winks at them- and you`re saying you wouldn`t give us privileges? pijdo >_<

on another note .. I made someone like ..LIKE dozing green .. woah that`s sooo nice.

-cuddles her gay power puff girls-

I wanted to post now a pic of Kyo ... but damn internet is gay >_<

adina 04-21-2008 06:22 PM

argh >_<
I didn't say that...of course I would give you some privileges...but I don't own totchi -cries again-
-gets cuddled-
uuu....I love dozing green
Wiiii...you have such a big influence on people -giggles-
your damn internet >_< -smacks-

Miyavifan 04-21-2008 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by adina (Post 468036)
haha...I know you do -kisses-
myvfan@ I don't think that's possible either -pouts-

yeah... *cries*

least I get to hug him.

darn gay comp.... I want to see Kyo pic.

jrocker21 04-21-2008 06:29 PM

i haven't heard dozing green in forever..

*pinches blossom's butt and holds it*
pretty please.. give totchi to adii..*battles eyelashes*

InsaneDoll 04-21-2008 06:32 PM

well .. now you do own him (until Carry comes back .. just so you know)... -finally gives in-
but you`re telling Nante :*
and you can get back to tutoring with Shin -wink wink- just so you can show off in front of Toshi.

-fat lip blowfish- well sankyu sankyu loves .. it surprised me though that he liked that song O.o

pies: look at the vein popping out from Kyo`s pantsu .. -drools-

adina 04-21-2008 06:34 PM

-ish speachless-
no is not happening....it's a dream...kyo's croth...I meant toshi
totchiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -rapes violently-
I have to go now...but just so you know....you made me haaaapppppppyyyyy
totchiiiiiiii....I'm in toshi heaven <3

jrocker21 04-21-2008 06:40 PM

YAY...*dances with dai*
you owe me big time adii...

*rapes blossom*
at least finish what i started.XD

not only we get a piccu of kyo but totchi and shin as well..

adina 04-21-2008 06:43 PM

of course I do -rapes-
but I'm really going now
toshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii
baisu everyone -waves-

InsaneDoll 04-21-2008 06:44 PM

well yeah .. I`ve been thinking of giving Toshi to Adi because she just couldn`t stop raping him no matter what .. plus that Carry loves Adi-chan (not as much as I love you though ;D) .. so yeah .. buttercup can also be very persuasive <3

-moans harshly in buttercup`s ear-
you like it when I tell you how much I like it when you take me huh?

but .. never mind Toshi and Shin (who`s popping out from Kyo`s legs .. yuuum) .. but look at that pretty vein adorning Kyo`s pubis <3. or am I the only one who sees it? O.o

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