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jrocker21 05-09-2008 06:15 PM

isn't kao's method slow and soft.. or some sort like that..
while dai is HARD and fast.

adina 05-09-2008 06:21 PM

I like it hard O_O"
-sees totchi's glaring-
maybe I should make toshi a professor too
like "how to be a perfect whore?"

InsaneDoll 05-09-2008 06:29 PM

kao`s method is slow and deep .. not soft. puhlease <3
but he`s very good at teaching other stuff like ... getting down -blushes and acts dramatic- .. getting low -coughs-

toshi would be very good at teaching .. how to be an uke..
adina, our beloved bubbles is indeed his best student ever <3

Miyavifan 05-09-2008 06:29 PM

whoa... The horniness/perviness has made it's way here too.

I need Kyo.... but still he's Tooru's.

I will settle for hugging him only still.

*hugs Kyo*

jrocker21 05-09-2008 06:31 PM

no.. it doesn't go like that...
he has to be a teacher first.. and teach someone.
once the student has passed.. then you can promote.

i need some whore lessons..

dai can be your professor and totchi will be my teacher.. we both win!

@blossom.. excuuussee me, i couldn't remember your line.XD

adina 05-09-2008 06:42 PM

yaaaaay i like your idea
dai my professor -runs in circles-

and emm...then my toto-chan can have two qualifications
the whore for the perfect whore and the one for the perfect uke -giggles-

jrocker21 05-09-2008 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Miyavifan (Post 485005)
whoa... The horniness/perviness has made it's way here too.

well, it's always been here but now we are expanding it cause we are all online minus blossom cause i don't know where she went.


Originally Posted by adina (Post 485022)
yaaaaay i like your idea
dai my professor -runs in circles-

and emm...then my toto-chan can have two qualifications
the whore for the perfect whore and the one for the perfect uke -giggles-

but i didn't know totchi had two qualifications.. whore or uke..hmm

adina 05-09-2008 06:56 PM

I guess we were a little carried away XDDD

well...since doll-chan said he'd be good at teaching someone how to be the perfect uke ... -points at me-

Miyavifan 05-09-2008 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by jrocker21 (Post 485033)
well, it's always been here but now we are expanding it cause we are all online minus blossom cause i don't know where she went.

but i didn't know totchi had two qualifications.. whore or uke..hmm

Ah, I see.


I think Kyo really needs someone who will pay more attention to him.

I did PM Tooru about me being his bodyguard, but I think maybe I should also PM about possible ownership, unless I just wait for the amount of time to go by.

Oh. How'd he get those qualifications. Well, whore I can guess. But uke?

adina 05-09-2008 07:02 PM

well he's teh uke in the band
the perfect uke <'3 -rapes-

anyway ... but didn't you surpass your limit?I mean you have 12 or more guys -raises shoulders-

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