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Daisuki13 05-26-2008 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by aznfettish13 (Post 497317)
We all know that some may find Kyo of Dir En Grey to be a total freak because of his addictions to Emotional and self harming peromances on stage, But have you ever taken the time to actually read and comprehend his lyrics?

I don't know, maybe it's just me but iI DON'T think of him as a scary freak......what are your opinions'?

YouTube - Dir en Grey - Obscure Live

Oh, I agree completely. I think he can make the most Vulgar lyrics into the most beautiful thing :]
Kyo is just awesome like that : D

PrincessKiki 05-26-2008 07:42 PM

I Have seen Dir En Gray twice now in the UK and have to say they are one of the best bands I have seen live, real stage act although the whole Kyo blood etc bit freaks me out but that is because I hate blood

Miyavifan 05-27-2008 06:17 PM

I am really confused.

I have the song Dears by Gackt on my mp3 player, and there are words sung by him that no one has on their pages, for the lyrics of it.

Can someone listen to it, and tell me what all the words are, in Japanese?

Gackt- Dears LLV

Thank you in advance.

I know at the end he says sono hi made, and somewhere before that he says:

tatoe kono koe ga todokanakute mo

nido to ano koro ni modorenakute mo

sakebitsuzukeru boku ga iru

but I can't figure out the rest.

Daisuki13 05-27-2008 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by PrincessKiki (Post 498097)
I Have seen Dir En Gray twice now in the UK and have to say they are one of the best bands I have seen live, real stage act although the whole Kyo blood etc bit freaks me out but that is because I hate blood

Gah, you're lucky!
I would kill to see Kyoooo [No lie xD]
When they played in my state, I didn't know about it..
I soon died after hearing that I missed them..
I am a ghost now : D

jrocker21 05-27-2008 07:54 PM

*comes in divine's aid*
please people, cut her some slack.. she can't be on jf like all the time, she has a band to run!
and CONGRATS DIVINE.. just received your email.. but really wow, i'm soo happy for you *coughs* and jealous.:D

but i finally got me the vulgarism dvd.. wiii, i will watch that as soon as i get it in the mail.. but i seriously can't wait to hear amber..aah*faints*

Miyavifan 05-27-2008 07:56 PM

I don't know what you're jealous about, but I might also say congrats, depending what it is.

jrocker21 05-27-2008 08:05 PM

i really don't want to say.. it's divine's choice to tell you guys or not..
but i'm just saying it here if she doesn't get my email.

i just found something out today.. by blossom and i was literally shocked.
well, i still am.. but i had no idea kao was a hentai freak.. O__O;
used the word freak in a good way.

Miyavifan 05-27-2008 08:11 PM

That's true.

DivineBled 05-27-2008 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by jrocker21 (Post 498827)
i really don't want to say.. it's divine's choice to tell you guys or not..
but i'm just saying it here if she doesn't get my email.

i just found something out today.. by blossom and i was literally shocked.
well, i still am.. but i had no idea kao was a hentai freak.. O__O;
used the word freak in a good way.

Hey! I'm just stopping in to say, arigato for the support and I promise I will get better! This is my final Dir en grey updates:

1. the DVD for their tour will be available sometime later this year.


Cya in summer of 2009,

DivineBled w.k.a. Bloody St. Elegance

jrocker21 05-28-2008 01:57 PM

a new dvd and album to look forward to..
now i'm excited!!*jumps around*

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