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kawn4 05-30-2008 03:00 PM

hmm.. i don't mind.
but i heard he didn't really say much about his past in the interview also right..

jrocker21 05-30-2008 03:19 PM

in this interview.. he talked a lot.. but i'm not sure if he was lying..
he has a reputation of lying in interviews.

the link isn't working.. the page expired.. now i have to look for it else where, it's gonna take me some time.

adina 05-30-2008 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by jrocker21 (Post 501520)
well, i can send you some stuff if you want me too..
i have bunch or ask adii or insanedoll!! we're diru freaks.XDDDD

adiiiii..OMG OMG OMG!!
look at dai..*jaws open*
that man.. hotness hotness hotness!

we are we are *ish proud of that*
hehe I knoooooooooow EEK!!!
can he get any hotter?!!!!
and I really would've like to see more shin <'3
*rapes toto-chan*
I haven't done this in a while X"D

jrocker21 05-30-2008 03:24 PM

no.. we haven't been humping on nothing lately.. OMG, we're innocent again.XDDD

yeah, there's no limit to hotness when it come to dir en grey.. especially dai.*licks neck*

adina 05-30-2008 03:27 PM

haha we are *giggles*
aww don't ...cause I'll be in dai mood again and me doesn't want that x3

jrocker21 05-30-2008 03:35 PM

well, i should flourish you with totchi pictures then to get your mind off dai.. but i won't.

adina 05-30-2008 03:40 PM

oh no don't do that...my mind is busy with ruki at the moment ..that is why I don't want any diru boy X"D

jrocker21 05-30-2008 03:43 PM

i'll help you there, i'm gonna leave now.. there's things i need to do!

adina 05-30-2008 03:44 PM

awww *huggles*
good luck with whatever you're doing X"D

jrocker21 05-30-2008 03:47 PM

details are all in my blog.. :vsign:

but i'll talk to you later. bye.

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