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adina 06-08-2008 05:40 PM

haha he is <333333
is very pwettielicious *licks screen* O_O"

yushies make a thread about him ... he deserves it <333

obscureLOVE 06-08-2008 05:42 PM


NanteNa 06-08-2008 05:50 PM

Oh well. X'D Under all circumstances.. I'd do him. X'D
hahah! both Shinya and that Haku-dude. X'D

obscureLOVE 06-08-2008 05:53 PM

- smiles -
i believe that yesh xD
i'd do haku.. shinya is smexxing ma' delish so no no shinya for us

NanteNa 06-08-2008 05:55 PM

Darnit! T_T

Also.. I know that there's a Kauwauwau poster in the latest edition of Rockoon!

adina 06-08-2008 06:00 PM

haha yushies both of them are so sex-able x33
whoaaa I'd so want a poster with him <333

obscureLOVE 06-08-2008 06:01 PM

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa OMG OMG really????
kaooooo *__*
i have die's poster - ish proud - i wouldn't mind having kao's too haha xD

NanteNa 06-08-2008 06:03 PM

Hehe. X'D That magazine has both Kaoru poster and Girugämesh poster<33

I just wish I cud find peach. I NEED THAT MAGAZINE!!! T_T
*frustrapes Obsie*

adina 06-08-2008 06:09 PM

awww you have dai's poster? *dies*
whoaa I want one too >_>"
I barrely have a gazette and a miyavi one >_>"

NanteNa 06-08-2008 06:10 PM

I now have
1 Girugämesh
2 GazettE
3 An Café
1 Ayabie
1 Kaoru

O_x'' I'm good!<3 Mwahah!
U cannot really see it's Kaoru in the Kauwauwau one tho. >_<'' *spanks photoshopper from Rockoon!-mag*

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