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obscureLOVE 06-08-2008 06:13 PM

haha xDDD
i haveeeee
1. gazette
2. aoi
3. kai
6.dai dai
that would be all for now xDD
@nan: omg omg teh bastardsssss - stabs them - phh
go go kao - boogies - xD

adina 06-08-2008 06:14 PM

I'm jealous >_>
uuh wait i have an an cafe one too...but I don't like an cafe x33
I should print like a huuuge hot picture of toshiya and put it above my head ... I'd sleep happy everrrrrry night O_O"

NanteNa 06-08-2008 06:18 PM

Obsie@ U srsly have an Aoi poster? ó_Ò'' *faints*

adi@ Yush! I did that too. Kinda. X'D When my calendars expire I pull out the jrock pics and put them on ma wall<3 ^^v
I got like.. Tons of Aoi, Gazeboys and Jui above ma head<3

adina 06-08-2008 06:21 PM

aoiiiiiiiiiii I remember carry's one *dies*
obsie it's as huge as hers? x33
aww I should definitely start doing this...but when I'll move alone which mean in emmm a few months *jumps*

obscureLOVE 06-08-2008 06:22 PM

yeshhh i do i do it's from ROCKOON - nods -

and now i gtg.
see ya later i guess
baiii adiiiiiiii - huggles - and nan
- waves -

adina 06-08-2008 06:27 PM

awieee bye bye sweetie *huggles*

Miyavifan 06-10-2008 01:23 AM

just some pics I wanted to share

I just think this one is kinda funny:

adina 06-10-2008 11:39 AM

lol .. dozing green is people? *laughs*
uuuh kyooooooo <3333

jrocker21 06-10-2008 02:50 PM

really, what the hell is going on??
i am totally lost and is obsie back for good or just a visit??

btw, i had a diru dream.. ah, it was somewhat amazing.. but i ruined the dream cause i woke up excited.. and i was about the experience the good part in the dream. maybe that's why i woke up excited. *shrugs shoulders*:D

Miyavifan 06-10-2008 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by adina (Post 510484)
lol .. dozing green is people? *laughs*
uuuh kyooooooo <3333

that was my reaction, too, when I saw the whole pic.

yeah..... I just love that guy. just too cute, really. And yes, I said it, and will say it again.


Originally Posted by jrocker21 (Post 510603)
really, what the hell is going on??
i am totally lost and is obsie back for good or just a visit??

btw, i had a diru dream.. ah, it was somewhat amazing.. but i ruined the dream cause i woke up excited.. and i was about the experience the good part in the dream. maybe that's why i woke up excited. *shrugs shoulders*:D

Oh.... obscureLOVE is Obsie?

Probably. that's usually how it goes... you wake up before the good stuff.

Not long ago, I had a Kyo dream, finally.

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