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NanteNa 01-05-2008 06:39 PM

Haha! XD I'll never forget their ''Feed Shinya''-sign. XD

JRockaddict 01-05-2008 06:40 PM

i neva saw that....
bet it was cute....

adina 01-05-2008 06:41 PM

poor shin-pats shin's head-
and yes....he did gained some weight....but not much
good that he's healthy....otherwise we should be worried

NanteNa 01-05-2008 06:41 PM

Haha! It was. They were like.. simulating a fond for those poor starving children in Africa. Only with Shinya instead. XD

Fielia 01-05-2008 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 347889)
Haha! XD I'll never forget their ''Feed Shinya''-sign. XD

I haven't seen that, either. Can you link it?

JRockaddict 01-05-2008 06:43 PM

*googly eyes @ Nan*

InsaneDoll 01-05-2008 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by adina (Post 347823)
yeshuuuuuu....you are a trv-headbang-
and and....shin does have a behind....uhmmm....-wondering-
I'm gonna steal shin to clarify things :confused:
-hides behind shin-
oh wait....he's too skinny,ID can see me -runs-
and well....you know......maybe dai didn't behave and Obsss punished him
right....!!! :mtongue:

p.s:ID,don't kill me -laughs-

-blinks rapidly and confused-
you did wha?! -tilts head left-
I do wonder .. does Shin burn the fatness by continuous schmexxing? I mean in real life not in my full-of-hentais-and-screwing mind.

NanteNa 01-05-2008 06:47 PM

I don't have a link. T_T;'' *whine*

adina 01-05-2008 06:48 PM

-runs away-

well....schmexing who?dai? :mtongue:
nah...I don't think so....he eats healthy and he is busy and...geez....you're making me think pervy now O.o

JRockaddict 01-05-2008 06:49 PM

@Nan: well then....
im on a mission to find teh pic!!!

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