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adina 06-21-2008 07:55 AM

myvfan@ have you seen the scans from Haiiro no Ginka???
they're so great ... though I found them in a yuckie quality x33

aota@ you're welcome hun ^_^

LiberiFatali 06-21-2008 09:14 AM

I bought the Family Values tour DVD only cause Diru is in it. Cha. XD

hearyourprayer 06-21-2008 10:36 AM

Need help with lyrics and translations of songs in FF:Song book maharoba!
Hi everyone! I'm totally new here, but I hope I'm lucky enough to get your help. I'm creating a collection of song from Final Fantasy series, and I have gotten 76 songs with lyrics and translations from all Final Fantasy games, albums, movies, mostly in japanese, english, latin,etc...I'm confident enough to say no single site has that number of FF vocal songs, at least among English sites.

What keeps me from perfection are 6 songs in FF: Song book maharoba. I have searched for weeks, but I can't find their lyrics, even in Japanese. So, may someone please give me those lyrics (they are supported to be in Japanese), and if possible, the translations, I greatly appreciate! Even raw translations are good enough.

I have the list here. All can be downloaded at Download : Final Fantasy Song Book mahoroba - FFDream.com

Tabun, sayonara (Maybe, goodbye)
Machi (Town).
Ameagari, sanpomichi(Walking on the Road, After the Rain)
Ashita no yume mo wasurete (Forgetting Tomorrow's Dream)
Mawaru hikari(Revolving Light)

I can't explain how much this will help me! I'm sure have the names of translators in my collection, at least it's thÆ° only thing I can do. Please help me!

NeoVisualizm 06-21-2008 12:31 PM

I watched a movie few days ago called Death Trance (it was AWESOME! i totally adore the movie atm o_o and the two guys from the movie are..shemex)

yeah anyway that wasnt the issue, the whole sountrack of the movie was made by Dir En Grey!!! *faints* while i was watching i heard Deity and i was like.. huh i know this song (XD) well besides deity there were, Increase Blue, III D Empire, Clever Sleazoid.. and deity was kinda.. main theme or so..
Songs soo suited to movie!!! AHH.. i really love Dir En Grey!!! *fan-fainting* o_o

Miyavifan 06-21-2008 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by adina (Post 518872)
myvfan@ have you seen the scans from Haiiro no Ginka???
they're so great ... though I found them in a yuckie quality x33

aota@ you're welcome hun ^_^

ah.... no I didn't. I so need to see them.


Originally Posted by NeoVisualizm (Post 518944)
I watched a movie few days ago called Death Trance (it was AWESOME! i totally adore the movie atm o_o and the two guys from the movie are..shemex)

yeah anyway that wasnt the issue, the whole sountrack of the movie was made by Dir En Grey!!! *faints* while i was watching i heard Deity and i was like.. huh i know this song (XD) well besides deity there were, Increase Blue, III D Empire, Clever Sleazoid.. and deity was kinda.. main theme or so..
Songs soo suited to movie!!! AHH.. i really love Dir En Grey!!! *fan-fainting* o_o

omg!! I so need that movie.... a whole soundtrack?? o_O

me too!!

adina 06-21-2008 05:20 PM

myvfan@ you should check it out

neo@ omg that movie is hilarious ... and the guy *faints* his legs are teh smex
that was perfect ...Tak Sakaguchi,fitghting [and showing his legs] on diru's music.what someone can wish for? *sighssss*

NeoVisualizm 06-21-2008 07:10 PM

@Miyavifan:: Yes the movie is amazing!! And.. already.. there isnt much music in the sountrack.. few.. classical like musics and main theme and side main theme..which are from Dir En Grey!^^

@adi-chan:: DONT YOU THINK???!!!!!! His legs def smex!!! ALL THE WAY0_0
Thats his name! *faints* Tak.. in fact his name is Taku u know >.> but.. they call it Tak >.> you mean the scene where III D Empire plays and he fight?? ne ne ne?? Or.. you mean the scene where Increase Blue plays??? o_o

Miyavifan 06-21-2008 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by adina (Post 519089)
myvfan@ you should check it out

neo@ omg that movie is hilarious ... and the guy *faints* his legs are teh smex
that was perfect ...Tak Sakaguchi,fitghting [and showing his legs] on diru's music.what someone can wish for? *sighssss*

oh... you mean the movie or the scans?


Originally Posted by NeoVisualizm (Post 519134)
@Miyavifan:: Yes the movie is amazing!! And.. already.. there isnt much music in the sountrack.. few.. classical like musics and main theme and side main theme..which are from Dir En Grey!^^

@adi-chan:: DONT YOU THINK???!!!!!! His legs def smex!!! ALL THE WAY0_0
Thats his name! *faints* Tak.. in fact his name is Taku u know >.> but.. they call it Tak >.> you mean the scene where III D Empire plays and he fight?? ne ne ne?? Or.. you mean the scene where Increase Blue plays??? o_o

well, still I will need to see it. :)

NeoVisualizm 06-21-2008 07:58 PM

you should miyavifan!!! its awesome movie!!
I was sooooo hyper when I heard Dir En Grey music!
I amost screamed lol XD

Miyavifan 06-21-2008 08:03 PM

I definitely will!! soon as I can....

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