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adina 01-05-2008 07:40 PM

you're right.....it was a good ff
I'm still drooling
thanks for the link Nan
and bai bai to ID.....:ywave:

InsaneDoll 01-06-2008 12:03 PM

having a break here from watching Diru Blitz thingie .. the 2nd day because it`s the first I got ... but mueh nevermind that ..
they are all dripping sex from every pore and every chord they strike and I am oh so close on actually banging the desk (of course I am pathetic .. hehe)
and Kyo is wearing checked undies wheeee (or at least I think that`s the word .. checked?!)
and Kao of course had to be hardcore and wear glasses for the first 3 songies and stay almost still..
but at least he teased enough to show off his tongue ..
Kyo and Die showed their tongues as well and their undeniable affection for the fans (aka the middle finger)

sweeeeeet so far ^^

adina 01-06-2008 03:08 PM

oh my....I posted in sadie thread too
sadie and diru are going on tour togheter in march
that's gonna be great....mao and kyo in the same place :pinkclap: :pompoms:
god....I wish I see them....but is not possible -angry-

Fielia 01-06-2008 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by adina (Post 348746)
oh my....I posted in sadie thread too
sadie and diru are going on tour togheter in march
that's gonna be great....mao and kyo in the same place :pinkclap: :pompoms:
god....I wish I see them....but is not possible -angry-

Is the tour in Japan only? Where did you hear about it?

Livvy 01-06-2008 05:59 PM

I have seen them. Yei!
They are amazing live band. I live in Finland and they were last year in Helsinki and the consert was in Tavastia-club. And god it was so cool. I have never scream so much in my life.

If you have chance to see them go. Don't waste your opportunity. They are amazing. I miss them so much. Hope they come back soon.

Fielia 01-06-2008 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Livvy (Post 348803)
I have seen them. Yei!
They are amazing live band. I live in Finland and they were last year in Helsinki and the consert was in Tavastia-club. And god it was so cool. I have never scream so much in my life.

If you have chance to see them go. Don't waste your opportunity. They are amazing. I miss them so much. Hope they come back soon.

I saw them in Tavastia, too. I am also a Finn.
Did you saw them 4. or 5.11? Or both? I saw them 4.11. I saw them in Ankkarock 5.8, too. They certainly filled up my expectations. I hope they'll come to Finland on their next tour whenever it is.

Livvy 01-07-2008 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by Fielia (Post 348868)
I saw them in Tavastia, too. I am also a Finn.
Did you saw them 4. or 5.11? Or both? I saw them 4.11. I saw them in Ankkarock 5.8, too. They certainly filled up my expectations. I hope they'll come to Finland on their next tour whenever it is.

Näin heidät 4 päivä niinkuin sinäkin. Jonotitko kauan? Minä sellaiset pikkuisen päälle neljä tuntia. Ja helkkari varpaat oli ihan jäässä:D
Joo minä itkin sitä kun en päässyt näkemään heitä silloin ankkarockissa vaikka kuinka halusin. rahat eivät riittäneet eikä äiti antanut lupaa lähteä.

InsaneDoll 01-07-2008 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by adina (Post 348746)
oh my....I posted in sadie thread too
sadie and diru are going on tour togheter in march
that's gonna be great....mao and kyo in the same place :pinkclap: :pompoms:
god....I wish I see them....but is not possible -angry-

arrgh grrrrr rawr yumblabla you choose .. not feeling too goodie at this point ..
I mean I love the idea of them touring together ... -mutters-

so .. I also saw the 2st day of the blitz thingie .. but I don`t think I got the right stuff .. it`s all cut and yadda yadda -mutters again-
at least I got the 3rd and 4th day as well but mueh ...

jrocker21 01-07-2008 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 347847)
Oh well. Anyone got both decade-albums? :'3
Mostly cause a review would be awesome. O_o

*waves hand*
i do!! got them before christmas...
but i thought mostly everyone here got em??

anyways, two albums..yes..but it's a three disc..
from 1998-2002 is a two disc..with the best songs you could ever imagine..
jealous is revised in that album and it sounds amazing..
concludes mostly from gauze, sixugly, missa, macabre, and some singles like ain't afraid to die.
and from 2003-2007 is a one disc..
concluding the songs from vulgar, withering to death, and marrow of a bone!

but 1998-2002 is the best..i love it..highly recommend getting that album!

Fielia 01-07-2008 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Livvy (Post 349801)
Näin heidät 4 päivä niinkuin sinäkin. Jonotitko kauan? Minä sellaiset pikkuisen päälle neljä tuntia. Ja helkkari varpaat oli ihan jäässä:D
Joo minä itkin sitä kun en päässyt näkemään heitä silloin ankkarockissa vaikka kuinka halusin. rahat eivät riittäneet eikä äiti antanut lupaa lähteä.

Jonotin 9 tuntia, olin siellä yheksän aikaan aamulla. Mulla oli kaiken maailman villapaidat, sukkahousut ja villasukat päällä eikä paleltanut! Ainakaan sillon kun olin makuupussissa :3 Siellä oli kyllä kylmä, varsinkin sillon vikana puolena tuntina kun olin vienyt suurimman osan vaatteista Kampin säilytykseen ja seisokeltiin malttamattomana odottamassa että päästiin sisään. Ja keikalla se kerrospukeutuminen sitten kostautui vaikka olin osan vienyt pois. Siellä oli kuuma! Tavastian settilista oli parempi kuin Ankkarockin ja Tavastialla ehtivät tietenkin soittaa enemmän. Ankkarockissa oli hyvää se, että sai happea, ei ollut yhtä kuuma kuin Tavastialla ja sai ottaa kuvia, mutta muuten Tavastia owned Ankkarock in my opinion.

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