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Miyavifan 08-14-2008 05:54 PM

well, so long as there's still a ticket available September 1st, I am. and there darn well better be!! This is Diru we're talking about!!

also... yuuji wants me to buy him a couple shirts... so there absolutely needs to be a ticket still available.

thank you. I'm sure I will have loads of fun. I hope they will do an autograph signing. This will be my first time seeing them headline.

lol.... but yeah... they had better.

carry 08-14-2008 05:57 PM

i'm sure there'll still be tickets XD
or else you'll just have to like take drastic measures -giggles-

ahhhh i so want to just see theeeem but an autograph sesion would ROCK
-dies at thought-

i have a friend... who met them like 4 times already >_<' and she talked to die and kaoru and she... touched [as in hugged] my toshieeeeeee -is dead-
i will stalk them if they come here 8DD

Miyavifan 08-14-2008 06:02 PM

exactly!! There's no way I'm missing out on Diru. I wasn't able to see them February last year...(Valentine's Day no less) That will not happen again!!

It really would.

I am so jealous of your friend. oh, I need to work more on my Japanese.

lol.... poor Diru... if you stalk them

carry 08-14-2008 06:07 PM

well then you totaly must see them this year 8DD

ahhh yea when she told me about it and showed me the pics i was like "no...nooo...nooooo -growls-" hahah

heiiii i wouldn't be evil XP i'd be nice -nods- and take very good care of them

Miyavifan 08-14-2008 06:18 PM

exactly... I did see them June of last year.. the second time they came to Minnesota.. but the pics I took are crap. I am getting good pics this time!!

ah..... I might have been like that too.

I'd hope so. :)

carry 08-14-2008 06:20 PM

ohhh so you saw them at least once XP that's goooood

Miyavifan 08-14-2008 06:21 PM

yup.. but can you imagine how nice it would have been to be able to say I saw them every time they came here?

carry 08-14-2008 06:23 PM

that would've been very nice yep XD
but it's still good i mean better 2 times then no times

Miyavifan 08-14-2008 06:25 PM

true... and at least I'll be able to say I saw them most of the times they came here. :)

KudoSan 08-14-2008 08:10 PM

Im going to their concert!! WOO!

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