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InsaneDoll 09-02-2008 07:27 AM

that just points out that you need male persuasion -coughcough-

and this is for all yeh infidels [though I have a feeling everyone watched it by now :*]

jrocker21 09-03-2008 06:41 PM

i take back my words..
and the pv was awesome, dai played with his hair freely. O____O

NanteNa 09-03-2008 07:42 PM

*shakes head*

NO LOOKING! >_<'' -closes eyes-

-runs away-

he plays with his hair down? *_*

ilovedaisuke7 09-04-2008 12:25 AM

Glass Skin is AMAZING! *dies*
The moment the piano started playing, I was instantly hooked.
And the PV! *__* OMG! That's like one of the coolest PV's I've even seen, I just sat there watching it in awe.

Kudos to Dir en grey.
They've done it once again! XD

adina 09-05-2008 09:45 PM

OMG Nan you have to watch it!!!! YOU MUST!!!
Or did you order it and you're waiting for it?? Cause in that case I understand you!!!

Someone just posted on lj some super hot pics with them -dies-
From their Death Over Blindess tour and cause I'm nice like that the credits goes to merumaru from lj XD.

Totchiiiiii -humps-.They all look so damn good!! Argh x33
There were more but I'm too lazy to upload them XD

InsaneDoll 09-06-2008 09:04 AM

those red boxers are practically demanding an abuse -licks-

that leather clad plank attached to Die is supposedly his leg ..right?

edible butts and sexay nipples .. now see how happy I can get

DivineBled 09-07-2008 04:09 AM

have you guys pre-ordered, "UROBOROS"? The CD is amazing. How is everyone?

NanteNa 09-07-2008 11:27 AM

adi@ omg! *_* I lov the pic of Kyo spitting out all that water. *_*; -faints-

Divine@ Yeh. ^^ I ordered the 2CD edition.

adina 09-07-2008 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by InsaneDoll (Post 577301)
those red boxers are practically demanding an abuse -licks-

that leather clad plank attached to Die is supposedly his leg ..right?

I don't know but it sure looks weird O_o
And damn I'm so restraining myself not to lick the screen >_<"

Tushie tushie -squeezes Toshi's ass- [since I can't touch Kaokao] XD

Nan@Me too!! It's my favorite!! Someone should make an icon with that -puppy eyes- XD

NanteNa 09-07-2008 07:01 PM

Adi@ YES! *_*
-gets hint-
I might! X'D *steals piccu*

EDIT: I just realised.. it's the 8th tomorrow! O_O CDJapan usually ships new items two days before official release! *faints* GLASS SKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN! -faints-

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