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adina 09-07-2008 07:05 PM

Wiiiiiiiiw -waits- XD
OMG really?!! The release date is 10?? -ponders-

I can't help but laugh at Kyo's position in this pic O_o

Toshiya <3.

NanteNa 09-07-2008 07:09 PM

Hahaha! XD <33 *steals*
He looks so über-gangstah!
I love his pants btw. *_*

adina 09-07-2008 07:11 PM

Hihi he does <3.
And I love his hat here ^_^

NanteNa 09-07-2008 07:13 PM

U can clearly see that he's getting older. O_O
He needs to start a family soon instead of hating on people. X'D

I still cannot get over DivineBled claiming to be his girlfriend. >_<'' (sorry DB..)

ilovedaisuke7 09-07-2008 07:15 PM

Hahahaha *dies laughing at Kyo's pants*
Wow, those are some hot pants. *cracks up*
But he sure does look nice in that hat!

I don't want Kyo to get old! O_O;
That means... Dir en grey could... end! *screams bloody murder*

adina 09-07-2008 07:17 PM

when did she claim that?? -is lost-

daidai NOOOOO you should have said that!! Whoaaa Kaoru is the oldest and as long he'll want this band to continue it will -nods-

NanteNa 09-07-2008 07:25 PM

Dai@ WOTDAFOOOK?! O_O Why'd they end? Just because they're getting older, doesn't mean they'll quit the band. ò_ó'' They cannot do that! *shiver*

Adi@ Since forever. I dunno what's up with her. ^^; She's nice. But hey?! The day they release their relationship as in.. make it official.. then I'll believe it. ^^

adina 09-07-2008 07:27 PM

Well you know her better!! I don't even have a year since I joined JF O_o
but it's hard for me to believe that x33 -shrugs-
Exactly,look at Yoshiki and other dudes,they're still making music x33

NanteNa 09-07-2008 07:31 PM

Actually I dun. She hasn't been here for that long. O_O At least not very active. *pnders* Kittie, Carry and Obsie were here to begin with. ^^ Along with InsaneDoll. We had mucho fun! *lmao* but yeah.. times change. >_<

Again.. Proove it, and I'll believe it. *snorks*

ilovedaisuke7 09-07-2008 07:35 PM

@Nan Haha, well you said he should start a family! And don't you think it'd be hard to have a family and be a hardcore rockstar at the same time?
I just hope that Diru has at least another 10 years. *nods*

And I remember those days! I was just a little noob who was highly intimidated by you guys so I rarely posted. XD

@Adii That's true! He's also the leader, so he better keep the band together for awhile! XD

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