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NanteNa 01-07-2008 08:39 PM

Hey girls! Keep it english in the 'official' threads. >_>'' If you want to exchange languages - go to the language section.

j21@ omg! *_* U lucky soab!! *kicks around* I got my fakes today *whine* Have to send 'em back and buy myself some REAL Diru! *_*; -faints-

jrocker21 01-07-2008 08:50 PM

wait, wait..
you mean the diru package that you got are all fakes??

Tooru 01-08-2008 02:29 AM

Fake Diru? O__o;; Did you do that on propose....Or... Uh....

InsaneDoll 01-09-2008 02:57 PM

wha? pics?

so prettyful all of them .mua

pies: ugh like .. Satoshi took a bit of Kyo`s look from the lat pic? I can see the resemblance ...

Fielia 01-09-2008 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 350057)
Hey girls! Keep it english in the 'official' threads. >_>'' If you want to exchange languages - go to the language section.

My apology, won't do that again :o

NanteNa 01-10-2008 07:54 PM

EEEEEK! X''3 The Shikaku photobook ish soo hot anyway! *_*

Tooru 01-10-2008 09:48 PM

Kyo looks really pretty with that face mask on. O3o

MaymeRachael 01-11-2008 01:57 AM

I :rheart: the last one ^_~

DivineBled 01-11-2008 02:33 AM

I talked to Die a couple of months ago.

MaymeRachael 01-11-2008 02:44 AM


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