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InsaneDoll 09-21-2008 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by adina (Post 588690)
ID@Wiiii I downloaded that too!! I watched it so many times last night,just for seeing Dai sexing his guitar!!! He's so yummy yum <333

baaah the video is acting like a whore to me >P
it's in super high quality but it's buffering like a super snail.

and undoubtedly you already noticed how healthy Die looks now *__*. even though he's skinny -pokes-


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 589337)
*hides behind ID*

I got ma single today! XD
YAYNESS! *dances* It's pretty alright, actually.
I was disappointed in it tho, cause I hoped for a DVD w/ ze PV on it. *sigh* I forget easily, yeah.

WHYYYY does Die look like SCHEIßE on that poster!?! O_O''

my eye twitched again I swear. for the Glass Skin photoshoot he had such a soft and smooth chin and all of a sudden he decides on having facial hair again. inconsistent much <3
-snuggles Nan- there there

so you finally heard the song eh? =)

mhmm now I present you more pics of Teh Toshinator.. and them two humpable guitarists:

adina 09-21-2008 08:09 AM

ID@ I know!!! He looks actually good!!! I'm starting to believe he was sick or something!! :C
But lookie at his smile!! Perfect as always <333.
-kicks video-
Mine is not working any better now either >_<"

Ever since The Toshinator is ugly my love for Dai is back <33.
-kicks Totchi in the ass- >_<"
Soooo stupid!!!
And whoaaa have you guys seen the scans from Hairro no ginka???
Toshiya still had long hair -sobs-
I'm too lazy to upload XP

InsaneDoll 09-21-2008 08:22 AM

maybe he was just super tired or something of that sort. he's too perfect to get sick *_*

mine didn't work to start with -_-.
maybe because it's in .vob format and I seriously didn't hear of this format before.
oh well small technicality

Teh Toshinator is NOT ugly .. just a wee bit aesthetically disadvantaged
damn .. Haiiro no ginka vol. 40 is exactly the one I didn't get -face-palm-

adina 09-21-2008 08:34 AM

Yushies you're right!! -cuddles Dai and runs like hell-
I couldn't help it!! I adore him O_O

Awww did you try it with Media player Classic,cause I tried mine now and it works good!!
But I don't know why the fuck it doesn't work with bsplayer anymore >_<"?
VOB format is usually good .. I heard of it a couple of time
Damn I can't get enough of that live *____*

He is ugly >_< -covers eyes-. I won't look at him until he's back like he used to be when I first saw him -sobs-

Wow is weird coming from you to not have pictures with them O_o

BTW anyone care to upload the pv in that super awesome quality -glances at ID- XDD

NanteNa 09-21-2008 04:47 PM

OMFG!!! *_*


ohhh emm geeee!!


*hides behind Aoi*

That right there is SEXAYYYYY!! *_*;;

Miyavifan 09-21-2008 05:58 PM

I'm with ya, Nan... (hmm, agreeing again.) I want Totchi back like that.

And Die in that 2nd pic is yummy.

ilovedaisuke7 09-22-2008 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 590259)
OMFG!!! *_*


ohhh emm geeee!!


*hides behind Aoi*

That right there is SEXAYYYYY!! *_*;;

Whoa! Breathe girl!
You too, Adii!

I swear.. one of these days, you guys are gonna like seriously die or something! XD
Which would be awful! *passes out at thought*

I love Die's smile. ^_^
Just thought I'd put that out there. O_O

Miyavifan 09-22-2008 10:55 PM

nah, we won't really die....

then we'd miss out on all these pics!!

InsaneDoll 09-23-2008 08:04 AM

something I stumbled upon.. dir en grey released an english version of Dozing Green.
as sad as the song is .. I laughed a bit listening to it.
damn cutie pies

adina 09-23-2008 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 (Post 591581)
Whoa! Breathe girl!
You too, Adii!

I swear.. one of these days, you guys are gonna like seriously die or something! XD
Which would be awful! *passes out at thought*

I love Die's smile. ^_^
Just thought I'd put that out there. O_O

We can't!!! -breaths in and out-
Look how hot Toshiya was with his gorgeous hair -sobs-

OMG don't pass out x33

I swear I love Dai more at the moment!! He's so sexyyyyyy -passes out next to Daidai-

I can't help but stare at Dai's leg in the 2nd picture.SO FCUCKING SKINNY!!! -screams-
But hot!!! -dies-

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