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JRockaddict 11-06-2008 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by Miyavifan (Post 622516)
me too. But it's also my first Diru cd. not signed though.
WTD will always be the most special cd for me, cause it's the first one I got.
I will be getting a signed copy of their new CD though. That's the other thing I won through the contest.

only about 6 days til it releases!! and about 2 weeks til I get to meet them!!

yea, my WTD album was the 1st official jrock album i owned so i love it to death.

if i was going to see them it would only be 5 days away...
im never gunna forgive my mom
first Ayabie now Diru...

Miyavifan 11-06-2008 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by JRockaddict (Post 622550)
yea, my WTD album was the 1st official jrock album i owned so i love it to death.

if i was going to see them it would only be 5 days away...
im never gunna forgive my mom
first Ayabie now Diru...

cool! I love mine to death too.

I'm still sorry.

that sucks!

JRockaddict 11-06-2008 05:58 AM

yus it does....
all my friends are going and im not
Monday is gunna suck so bad cuz i wrote it in my assignment book and everything...

Miyavifan 11-06-2008 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by JRockaddict (Post 622561)
yus it does....
all my friends are going and im not
Monday is gunna suck so bad cuz i wrote it in my assignment book and everything...

oh no... *pouts* I feel so bad!

*hugs you*

JRockaddict 11-06-2008 06:21 AM

non non!!
dun feel bad!!
just go have fun and take pics!!

Miyavifan 11-06-2008 06:33 AM

well, I do.

but I will still have fun, and try to get pics.

I think of Die when I see this pic:

MySpace.com - TeddyLoid My Photos - Photo 1 of 22

jrocker21 11-07-2008 05:55 PM

@ myvfan..

Miyavifan 11-07-2008 10:34 PM

I entered the contest they had.

InsaneDoll 11-07-2008 11:36 PM

zo I listened to the Uroboros album because being illegal is much more fun >)..
it's not a combination between Vulgar and Withering to Death as someone I believe said..they simply reinvented themselves with this new album and they did an amazing job <3

lick meeeee
and lick me too

now let's eat some cookies -hops-

Miyavifan 11-08-2008 10:00 PM

Ok. Recently I started talking with someone on myspace, who says that Die was actually seeing Shinya.
I'm really inclined not to believe that.

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