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Sasukegirl95 11-14-2008 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by JRockaddict (Post 627030)
thankies Nan *cuddles back*
i need love

and after the show she texted me and was like:
"OMG OMG!! they were amazing!!
i got to meet Die and Kaoru!! we were right in the front too!!"

and then the next day my guyfriend came in wearing all the stuff he got from the concert
*double sigh*

i hate this

That's so unfair.......

jrocker21 11-15-2008 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 627821)
I thought it was not allowed to take pictures during their shows? O_Ô

actually, here in the states..
you can take pictures. *nods*

Miyavifan 11-15-2008 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 627821)
I thought it was not allowed to take pictures during their shows? O_Ô

Pictures are allowed during the meet and greet, I can't see why they wouldn't be during the show as well.

Of course I plan on checking that out, before the day I go to see them.

aishiteru13 11-15-2008 04:06 AM

the new DEG is out kiddos!!!
I need some help
on the American version of the album the song "Glass Skin" is actually in English
the problem is
WTF IS HE SAYING?!?!?!!?!?!?!?
anyone got any ideas?
Kyo can't enunciate to save his life!
but i still <3333 him
happy hunting

If there's anyone who hasn't gotten the CD yet, and wouldn't want to know..

then anyone who answers this question, please do this:


the text here
and people who want to see it can just highlight the text.

NanteNa 11-15-2008 10:21 AM

j21@ SERIOUSLY? That's so freaking unfair!! During all the shows they did in eg. Denmark the audience was NOT allowed to take ANY pictures what so ever and if they were caught doing it - they would get suspended from seing the show at all.

Miyavifan 11-15-2008 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 628039)
j21@ SERIOUSLY? That's so freaking unfair!! During all the shows they did in eg. Denmark the audience was NOT allowed to take ANY pictures what so ever and if they were caught doing it - they would get suspended from seing the show at all.

That just ain't right.

jrocker21 11-15-2008 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 628039)
j21@ SERIOUSLY? That's so freaking unfair!! During all the shows they did in eg. Denmark the audience was NOT allowed to take ANY pictures what so ever and if they were caught doing it - they would get suspended from seing the show at all.

yup. but i end up learning the hard way.
the second time i saw diru.. i had to take pictures with my phone camera.
and the quality was really really bad.
if i knew cameras were allowed sooner.. i would have taken my camera. *sighs*

here's a teaser!
YouTube - DIR EN GREY - VINUSHKA video sample

kyo is so deliciously hot.. i nearly died just watching the first 5 seconds.
and totchi head bangs with half of his hair. so cute! <3

Miyavifan 11-15-2008 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by jrocker21 (Post 628170)
yup. but i end up learning the hard way.
the second time i saw diru.. i had to take pictures with my phone camera.
and the quality was really really bad.
if i knew cameras were allowed sooner.. i would have taken my camera. *sighs*

It's kinda the same for me....except for me it was a disposable camera, cause I didn't know a digital camera could be brought, til I saw someone with the exact same kind I have!! *still upset*

AkaiHaato 11-15-2008 11:18 PM

lyrics plz (romanized or english)
:quesballoon: :puccasmile: can sum1 give me any PureQ&A lyrics plz?

JRockaddict 11-16-2008 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by Sasukegirl95 (Post 627836)
That's so unfair.......

i know
i cried when she told me they were right in front of Kaoru's mic stand
and when she got to meet him

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