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Miyavifan 11-22-2008 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by SephirothVVC (Post 631620)
i was just sayin, ive been into them for a long time too.
and if you like em so much respect Kyo's wishs "dont call me -chan!!!!!"

Don't lecture me. Did you hear me say I'd call him cute in person?

also, chan doesn't mean cute. Kawaii is the word for cute.
chan is only something used for kids, if I recall correctly.

SephirothVVC 11-23-2008 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by Miyavifan (Post 631630)
Don't lecture me. Did you hear me say I'd call him cute in person?

also, chan doesn't mean cute. Kawaii is the word for cute.
chan is only something used for kids, if I recall correctly.

kawaii means pretty, chan is somthing you use when refering to somthing as "cute" like a kid. im not pissed off at you so dont get pissed off at me. lets just say were both fans of kyo and end it there.

orewasenshi 11-23-2008 02:05 AM


I feel loved again~

JRockaddict 11-23-2008 02:31 AM

this one's good from start to finish


Miyavifan 11-23-2008 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by LittleFallenAngel (Post 631621)
I'm glad you had an amazing time -smiles-
haha I can understand that Kyo was being himself =D -giggles-

Hmmm, I hope it comes true.

@ seph;
Lmao, if someone said cute to me.
I mean it,
If someone calls me cute, I think they'd be dead meat, except I forgive my friends who say it,
But random people,
nah no way.. o_o;;
Though, I think I'd give my friends, 2 chances not more.-laughs-

Thank you. I am too. :D
yeah.... lol... he was so beautiful, and gorgeous... and watching him move.... *fans self*
me too....

I might call you cute more than that.... if I did at all. :mtongue:


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 631623)
ore@ Ur forgiven hun. xD Just because we love you<3 tee hee~

Mf@ WTH?! Why is he never there? ... or am I missing somethin' here?

oh, sorry. He was only not at the meet and greet.... I still wanna inflict bodily harm to him though.... just a little. annoying little Kyo..... I heard we wasn't feeling well.

I love him, but I'm a little upset with him right now.


Originally Posted by orewasenshi (Post 631830)

I feel loved again~

yay!! *dances*

Drend 11-25-2008 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by SephirothVVC (Post 631723)
kawaii means pretty, chan is somthing you use when refering to somthing as "cute" like a kid. im not pissed off at you so dont get pissed off at me. lets just say were both fans of kyo and end it there.

If kawaii means pretty, then what's the word for cute? : \ I'm pretty sure the word for pretty is Kirei.

Salvanas 11-25-2008 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Miyavifan (Post 631617)
It was just amazing!! I got such good pics!! and some video as well.. Kyo was well.... Kyo!!

I really did. now I need to work on my wish again. Maybe someone in contact with Diru will take pity on me. and set up a one on one meeting.

That's surprising.

To tell you the truth, I was really dissapointed with the Diru concert in Osxford last year. They were very... distant and cold to the crowd. No passion, no energy.

Compared to The GazettE, live they're quite bad.

Salvanas 11-25-2008 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by Drend (Post 633565)
If kawaii means pretty, then what's the word for cute? : \ I'm pretty sure the word for pretty is Kirei.

Kirei = pretty.
Kawaii = Cute.

Just to clarify.

xYinniex 11-25-2008 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Miyavifan (Post 632205)

oh, sorry. He was only not at the meet and greet.... I still wanna inflict bodily harm to him though.... just a little. annoying little Kyo..... I heard we wasn't feeling well.

I dont think he needs any help with the inflicting 'bodily harm' part.....

Salvanas 11-25-2008 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by xYinniex (Post 633577)
I dont think he needs any help with the inflicting 'bodily harm' part.....

Aye. He's quite capable of that already, as your avatar so beautifully shows.

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