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TheCrimson 11-25-2008 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by Miyavifan (Post 632205)

oh, sorry. He was only not at the meet and greet.... I still wanna inflict bodily harm to him though.... just a little. annoying little Kyo..... I heard we wasn't feeling well.

-spits out coffee-

what a horrible image.


poor Kyo

Miyavifan 11-26-2008 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Salvanas (Post 633574)
Kirei = pretty.
Kawaii = Cute.

Just to clarify.

ah, you beat me to it. :)

about concert comment. hmm. I can't figure how that would be last year. You really should have been at the show I went to this year. It really was incredible.


Originally Posted by xYinniex (Post 633577)
I dont think he needs any help with the inflicting 'bodily harm' part.....

well, yes. I know. :) but I am a bit annoyed with him still.


Originally Posted by Salvanas (Post 633582)
Aye. He's quite capable of that already, as your avatar so beautifully shows.

You mean mine, correct? Oddly, that's one of the things I love about him.


Originally Posted by TheCrimson (Post 633586)
-spits out coffee-

what a horrible image.


poor Kyo

What's a horrible image?

Drend 11-26-2008 06:17 PM

Whew, I had fun last night at the concert. When they played a new song, it was pretty obvious not many people downloaded the new album last month. I liked the weird looks I got during Agitated Scream of Maggots when I yelled (Yes, I think you know the part), as well as Clever Sleazoid. I'm glad they played Saku AND Kodou, two of my favorite songs. The only thing that could have made that night any better would be Yokan, but I didn't see that happening anyway. Bought two CDs even though Shinya and Kaoru were the only two to sign it. I got two stickers too.

Miyavifan 11-26-2008 06:20 PM

Huh. I think they did all those songs at my show also.

You only got Toshiya and Shinya's autographs? Bummer.....

Why'd you buy two CD's?

Drend 11-26-2008 07:02 PM

I'm probably going to give it to a friend who was going to buy one, but they sold out, or give it to some one at school who wanted to go but couldn't at the last minute.

Miyavifan 11-26-2008 07:17 PM

ah, either of those would be sweet.

Uriko 11-27-2008 05:02 AM

they're going to tour on january of next year with MSI at ireland & england.

no fair. i want to see MSI.

they should have done that when i saw them last. *pout*

Miyavifan 11-27-2008 03:17 PM

I found out about that yesterday. At first I wondered why they went back to being a support act. Til I saw where the concerts are being held.

Salvanas 11-27-2008 06:36 PM

I'm going to see them in Brixton with a bunch of friends who like MSI.

LittleFallenAngel 11-27-2008 07:17 PM

@ sal;
Just a random question,
But are you going to see Diru like, 30 january live in London?O.o;;
Just need to be sure of it, since I'm then going to London, not only to see them live ofcourse ^^''.. -innocent smile-

Anyway, not sure if you guys saw the tour dates yet in England;


January 13 - Belfast, Ireland@ Belfast Mandela Hall
January 14 - Dublin, Ireland @ Dublin Academy
January 16 - Bristol, England @ Bristol Academy
January 17 - Cardiff, England @ Cardiff Great Hall
January 18 - Southampton, England @ Southampton Guildhall
January 20 - Oxford, England @ Oxford Academy
January 21 - Norwich, England @ University of East Anglia
January 22 - Nottingham, England @ Rock City
January 23 - Manchester, England @ Manchester Academy
January 24 - Leeds, England @ Leeds Academy
January 26 - Liverpool, England @ Liverpool Academy
January 27 - Glasgow, England @ Glasgow Barrowlands
January 28 - Newcastle, England @ Newcastle Academy
January 29 - Birmingham, England @ Birmingham Academy
January 30 - London, England @ Brixton Academy
So I'm going to see them on 30 January -yayness-

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