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MissMisa 11-27-2008 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by LittleFallenAngel (Post 634540)
@ sal;
Just a random question,
But are you going to see Diru like, 30 january live in London?O.o;;
Just need to be sure of it, since I'm then going to London, not only to see them live ofcourse ^^''.. -innocent smile-

Anyway, not sure if you guys saw the tour dates yet in England;

So I'm going to see them on 30 January -yayness-

THEY'RE PLAYING IN LEEDS?! F*** yes! Haha *jumps up and down*

Okay, that's the first and last fangirl moment your seeing from me, lmao.

Salvanas 11-27-2008 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by LittleFallenAngel (Post 634540)
@ sal;
Just a random question,
But are you going to see Diru like, 30 january live in London?O.o;;
Just need to be sure of it, since I'm then going to London, not only to see them live ofcourse ^^''.. -innocent smile-

Anyway, not sure if you guys saw the tour dates yet in England;

So I'm going to see them on 30 January -yayness-

That I will. Seems like we'll see each other then!

yuujirou 11-27-2008 07:23 PM

bummer >.>'
so i couldn't make it to the dir en grey concert the other night x.x'''

sigh x.x'''

LittleFallenAngel 11-27-2008 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Salvanas (Post 634542)
That I will. Seems like we'll see each other then!

I think so XD
Already booking my ticket to England right now though, Including looking how much one of those tickets are -nodnod-
What I do find awesome is, Some people over here, are trying to get them also to The Netherlands again Oo;;..
So If I'm lucky I'll see them next year two times~! YaYness!

Salvanas 11-27-2008 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by yuujirou (Post 634544)
bummer >.>'
so i couldn't make it to the dir en grey concert the other night x.x'''

sigh x.x'''

Ouch. Come to the UK one.


I think so XD
Already booking my ticket to England right now though, Including looking how much one of those tickets are -nodnod-
What I do find awesome is, Some people over here, are trying to get them also to The Netherlands again Oo;;..
So If I'm lucky I'll see them next year two times~! YaYness!

You live OUTSIDE the UK? Dear god. You crazy girl.

LittleFallenAngel 11-27-2008 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Salvanas (Post 634546)
Ouch. Come to the UK one.

You live OUTSIDE the UK? Dear god. You crazy girl.

Agreed, Yuuji, get to the uk one XD~!!!

I do, -laughs-
I'm risking this year of college for it -grins-
Not that I won't mind it though..
Grades are good enough...-giggles-

MissMisa 11-27-2008 07:49 PM

Just bought my tickets :D I'm speedy ^_~ It's part of the KERRANG! Relentless Energy Drink Tour, so they won't be on for long but it'll be worth it still :D

Kyoiism 11-27-2008 09:29 PM

I went to the Pontiac, Michigan show. I drove 4 hours to see them... and let me tell you... IT WAS WORTH IT. It was such a small venue, but GOD. I was right in front of DIE. I even caught his guitar pick. He threw beer on the crowd, and guess who was completely covered by the time they left? ME. Freaking awesome show. I enjoyed myself. It was a week and 2 days ago. God, I miss them so much.

Salvanas 11-27-2008 10:44 PM

A question. Did they sing any of their new songs?

Kyoiism 11-27-2008 11:50 PM

Almost all of the UROBOROS album.

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