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AsianAtHeart 11-30-2008 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Firu (Post 635020)
I Just My Ticket Too See Them In Birmingham In Jan :) :) :) I'm Unbeleivably Happy Right Now!!!!!!!

And it will be sooooo worth your while!

I saw them last night at the Wiltern in LA, it was totally awesome!

I had a floor seat, but I only had a good view of Kaoru because I was stuck behind three rows of people >< but it was still totally worth the 45 bucks.

Salvanas 11-30-2008 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by AsianAtHeart (Post 636174)
And it will be sooooo worth your while!

I saw them last night at the Wiltern in LA, it was totally awesome!

I had a floor seat, but I only had a good view of Kaoru because I was stuck behind three rows of people >< but it was still totally worth the 45 bucks.

You sat down in a concert? Pfft.

AsianAtHeart 11-30-2008 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Salvanas (Post 636179)
You sat down in a concert? Pfft.

You have to stand up regardless of where you are to even see the stage....

Besides, the walkway to the pit was too narrow for anyone on the floor to be in random places, so we had no choice but to stand behind these white lines to clear.

Salvanas 11-30-2008 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by AsianAtHeart (Post 636182)
You have to stand up regardless of where you are to even see the stage....

Besides, the walkway to the pit was too narrow for anyone on the floor to be in random places, so we had no choice but to stand behind these white lines to clear.

Good good. That's how it should be.

I was wondering, sitting down at a Diru concert :P I'd be up and jumping.

lself 12-03-2008 09:54 PM

I went to the Diru concert last night in Portland, yay! It was so fun, quite a small venue. This is gonna sound fangirly, but oh my god Kyo is SEXY! AAH! Okay, got that out of my system. Anyways, i quite liked the opening band too, so that was good. My ears are still ringing, but that's a good thing:)

AsianAtHeart 12-04-2008 01:52 AM

@ Iself

Yes, it sounds fangirly, but I'm not complaining because it's true xDD

He was shirtless the whole show in LA *x*

PockyMePink 12-04-2008 01:56 AM

I want to go to a Diru concert so badly! I kept asking my mother around September if she would allow me to go to one when they started touring the US, but sadly she gave me the big fat "No way in your effing life!"

What a shame she disapproves so much of this band. They're my greatest inspiration, Kyo's my object of affection, and this band is my obsession (did that rhyme or something? Cause it's so catchy!)

LucyL 12-04-2008 09:10 AM

I'm seeing them tomorrow night and I'm super excited! I just wish I knew who was opening for them.

lself 12-05-2008 12:03 AM

Is the Human Abstract opening for them the whole time? That's who was playing when i went anyways. I'm clueless really.... They played Tsumi to Batsu and i was really happy cause i love that song.
@AsianAtHeart: Kyo was shirtless the whole time at my concert too, *sigh*. God, he does some sexy dancing.

Miyavifan 12-05-2008 12:39 AM

It was them at my show too.

He sure does. :rheart:

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