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Miyavifan 01-04-2009 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by carry (Post 657766)
yeh >.<
uhhh i don't know, maybe he could hurt himself witht he pen or something >D

yep^^ and even toshiya's ROCK ON and that little scribble XD is better then NO COMMENT x.x

lol.. I love the guy, but geez.

You're right.

I need to have words with Kyo. XD!

carry 01-04-2009 03:53 AM

yeah i know xD
i adore him muchly too but this is not nice of him -sighs-

i keep looking at kao's signature though, it's so... hmmm i have no words for it xP

Miyavifan 01-04-2009 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by carry (Post 657824)
yeah i know xD
i adore him muchly too but this is not nice of him -sighs-

i keep looking at kao's signature though, it's so... hmmm i have no words for it xP

It really isn't. *sighs with you*

I can't even decipher it. and Toshiya's is no better.

JRockaddict 01-04-2009 04:21 AM

aww. how sweet of them to go out of their way to give us autographs and "thank you"s

orewasenshi 01-04-2009 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Miyavifan (Post 657756)
*smacks Kyo*

first he's not at my meet and greet, and now this?

and what kind of signature is that, for him to put? Lazy sob.

Shinya's signature is gorgeous!

That didn't sound completely and utterly fangirlish now did it?:rolleyes:

Miyavifan 01-04-2009 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by orewasenshi (Post 657850)
That didn't sound completely and utterly fangirlish now did it?:rolleyes:

actually, it did not.

orewasenshi 01-04-2009 04:46 AM

Oh yeah, that's right, you think you're little miss perfect and you're not a fangirl at all, when in reality, you are.

But I guess it can't be helped.

Ban me, do whatever you want, I just don't really care anymore because at least I've come and gone out with a bang.

Miyavifan 01-04-2009 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by orewasenshi (Post 657871)
Oh yeah, that's right, you think you're little miss perfect and you're not a fangirl at all, when in reality, you are.

But I guess it can't be helped.

Ban me, do whatever you want, I just don't really care anymore because at least I've come and gone out with a bang.

eh, think what you want.

It's not worth banning over.

let's get back on topic shall we.

JRockaddict 01-04-2009 05:07 AM

*waves sushi in Ore's face then throws*
go fetch!
and be good plz?? *puppy eyes*

and yea, we're REALLY off topic so i'll help us get back to Dir En Grey

have you seen their Blitz5Days thing??
i was so great!!
i FINALLY got done watching the whole thing
(backstage vids and all)

Miyavifan 01-04-2009 05:08 AM

Thanks Jra.

I still need to watch it.

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