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jrocker21 01-11-2009 10:05 PM

eh.. dunno!

but he has a new one..
i'll post as soon as i get the link to work for me.

AsianAtHeart 01-11-2009 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Miyavifan (Post 662498)
It's also the shape of his guitar.

wait... a new guitar? Don't tell me he had it for the concert I went to, and I didn't notice it.

He must've got it after mine, because when I saw them, the solid red stood out more than he did.

Miyavifan 01-11-2009 10:08 PM

That'd be great! Thanks. :)

jrocker21 01-11-2009 10:11 PM

well.. it's not like the one in my sig..
it's different..

but i don't think i'll show you.. the link won't work for some reason..
hopefully i'll find it in photobucket.

Miyavifan 01-11-2009 10:29 PM

Yeah, I figured it wasn't the same as that.


NanteNa 01-12-2009 07:36 PM

To all of you doubting.

YOU ARE GAY. Just the SLIGHTEST. Trust me.
Especially since I'm most likely the gayest of all of us. O_O (except for Yin and Kittie xD) -hopes they won't ever see that statement-

Miyavi is straight - so he claims.

AsianAtHeart@ Fine then! Wanna make out? : P
oh.. and the girl was retarded. XD haha And oh jee. U have so much to learn. Fangirls all over the world seem to have nothing else to do but to claim dating them sexy bitches. It's getting kinda frustrating really, cause they keep claiming it even though no one believes them anyway. -_-''

claire@ 4 months ago she sure did. xD Haha

ID@ Uhh.. O_O I heard that Toshi came out as bi. All official.
Oh.. and you know I'd sex u up if I could! : P
Damn that censorship. -_-'' I even got a freaking warning for using 'grape'. HAHAHA!

JRockaddict@ Uhm no. She is not. Hunnie, wake up. Would you?

jrocker21 01-12-2009 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 662840)

ID@ Uhh.. O_O I heard that Toshi came out as bi. All official.
Oh.. and you know I'd sex u up if I could! : P
Damn that censorship. -_-'' I even got a freaking warning for using 'grape'. HAHAHA!

whose gay?? *coughs* XDD

toshi came out bi.. official??? where did you hear that?
lol.. nan sexing blossom?!.. hardly, it be the other way around. ;)

you got a warning for using grape?? *falls to floor laughing*
ahahaha.. OMG, my stomach hurts now from laughing too hard.

AsianAtHeart 01-13-2009 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 662840)
AsianAtHeart@ Fine then! Wanna make out? : P

Where did that come from? :confused:


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 662840)
oh.. and the girl was retarded. XD haha And oh jee. U have so much to learn. Fangirls all over the world seem to have nothing else to do but to claim dating them sexy bitches. It's getting kinda frustrating really, cause they keep claiming it even though no one believes them anyway. -_-''

Then apparently I do have alot to learn. I guess I was thinking in logical terms which we know rabid/desperate fangirls have none of >< Really, we have our moments, but we know better, right? :)

Oh, and my mom agreed to buy me that Versailles Bundle and Goku-Tama ROCK CAFE *Is wearing Versailles T-shirt* xDD But the downside is I can't have a Sweet 16 party because we have to save up for my trip to Japan, which is like $2600, especially since my parents are in the divorcing process ><

Ningyou 01-13-2009 08:00 AM

(Can't remember if I already posted on this or not)

I personally think that Dir En Grey are sellouts. Their old music used to be so amazing and so unique and they actually had a Japanese sound to their music, but now they sound just like every other stupid generic rock band like KoRn and stuff like that. They were talented, but I honestly don't think they deserve as much fame as they're getting. They're not THAT good.

clairebear 01-13-2009 04:40 PM

Guess who might be going to see Dir en Grey live in 2 weeks? ;)

Meh, I'm just shocked that a Jrock band is ACTUALLY doing a concert in Scotland.

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