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WarumonoKyo 01-21-2008 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Tooru (Post 361446)
O_o How do you not love Dozing green? His voice is so pretty.

....His voice is not "pretty". Not my definition of pretty, anyways.

His voice is very...uh, unique, i suppose. But, the screaming get's pretty aggravating after awhile.

The video for Dozing Green on the other hand, amused me greatly :)

It reminded us (my friend and I) of a twisted episode of Robot Chicken.

WarumonoKyo 01-21-2008 05:00 PM

I can tell that most of you don't quite agree with my opinions.

That's alright, we all have our own thoughts.

Dir en Grey is a talented band, I will say.
Not one of the best. But none the less legendary among Japanese music.

I can respect their passion, and unique talent and sound though.

But they aren't for everybody.

And it's not a sin to not like them.

Tooru 01-21-2008 11:28 PM

Sorry. *clears throat* Kyo's voice is beautiful, His power, His conviction, His screaming, His aggression, his everything, It's magic. And yeah, It's just so Kyo. n__n

JRockaddict 01-22-2008 10:07 PM

i would have to agree.
Kyo has one of the most unique singing voices i've ever heard.
it's so beautiful.......
*goes to listen to Kigan*

BancheexBeauty 01-23-2008 12:26 AM

Actually, can someone fill me in on some new news about them? I really haven't heard anything significant from them in a long while except for a new dvd(????) and the release of that single.

JRockaddict 01-23-2008 03:13 AM

i don really kno.....
i should check it out cuz lots of people are asking abiut new stuff.....
*wants new Diru music*

DivineBled 01-23-2008 04:58 AM

As I stated before, the guys are getting ready to headline a tour.

jrocker21 01-23-2008 03:13 PM

the question is where are they headlining??
and like myv..is it a world tour?

Clara 01-23-2008 03:25 PM

they're so cool:rheart: i love dir en grey:o

DivineBled 01-23-2008 03:31 PM

i do not know all of the details, and what I do know, I am not able to disclose any more information.

Have you tried checking their official site **English version**?

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