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TheCrimson 09-15-2009 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by JayT (Post 771154)
Every band has it's own share of groupies.
Weather the band decides to sleep with them or not,
who really cares? Why do you care so much about their personal life?
Just listen to their music and stop caring about their off stage life for Christs sake.

:'D ding dong. i am not a big fan of their music. i was just coming in here to see if anyone else had read it :'D
i care not for their music, or for their antics. just pointing out that apparently, they're this f**ked up :'D

and its not the having sex with the groupies. its the giving them diseases and getting the girls to pay them for sex. i find that's the worst part of it all :'D

Miyavifan 09-16-2009 09:51 PM

mention of this shouldn't be here at all. especially since it's a rumor, unless you have proof that it's true.

AkuenKigahen 09-16-2009 10:01 PM

Why not just forget about the negative and think positive!!

Here is something positive they are going to have a new single coming out on December 2 called Hageshi sato, kono mune no naka de karamitsui ta shakunetsu no yami

Miyavifan 09-16-2009 10:06 PM

If crimson would not have posted about it to start with...


yes!! I can't wait! new Diru!!

AkuenKigahen 09-16-2009 10:22 PM

That is such a long title for their single! haha

I can't wait for it too! I have been waiting to hear something new! I wonder when we are going to see a mv.

Miyavifan 09-16-2009 10:28 PM

hey... you're right, it is.

oh.... good question.
I'm dying for a new one.

AkuenKigahen 09-16-2009 10:34 PM

I hope that they will have a new mv. If only their single was coming out next month I don't want to wait until december.

Miyavifan 09-16-2009 10:35 PM

I think they probably will.

yeah, it's kind of a long time to wait.

AkuenKigahen 09-16-2009 10:38 PM

I hope we don't have to wait as long for the mv than the single. Well, at least we don't have to wait until next year.

Miyavifan 09-16-2009 10:43 PM

hmm. I don't even know what comes first.

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