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Miyavifan 09-22-2009 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by lizzey (Post 772563)
December 2nd, Dir en Grey is going to release a new single.:) :)

It call Hageshisa to, kono Mune no naka de Karami-tsuita Shakunetsu no Yami (The Ferociousness and the burning darkness slithering inside my chest) which is the longest title for a song that I ever heard.

Interesting title of song.

MUSIC JAPAN+ -news+-

huh. I could have swore someone posted about this already...


that's one long title. How are we supposed to remember all that?

Kufufunofu 09-23-2009 02:51 AM

^lol.. you will xD

wow.but really that's the longest title i've heard for a song*.*

jrocker21 09-23-2009 03:54 PM

wasn't necessary to bring up the links?? OMG, those links were to prove that the rumor was soaring around and she wasn't making things up.
really, i don't think it was necessary to delete the links just cause you didn't like them.. or if it was the fact that rei was being negative. ppl have their own opinions whether it's positive or negative. that's life.

and i totally agree with nans.

it was an interesting topic btw not only cause it was diru related but jpn related too.
haha, dai pimpin' himself. LMAO.

as for the new single..
not that exciting. >_>

Miyavifan 09-23-2009 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Kufufunofu (Post 773012)
^lol.. you will xD

wow.but really that's the longest title i've heard for a song*.*

I doubt it... I still have problems with namamekashiki ansoku tamerai ni hohoemi. :o

@ jrocker. I'm through talking about that. all it did was upset me, and I don't need that.

JayT 09-24-2009 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Miyavifan (Post 772133)

someone has this titled as being Toshiya.

but it's Die, right?
(kinda hard for me to tell, for sure, for some reason)

Toshiya only plays bass.

Now for something actually useful, their new tour dates:
Dir En Grey | On Tour In 2009!

Miyavifan 09-24-2009 01:28 AM

I know.... I was just making sure I wasn't wrong. and also my question was answered already.

and there's no need to say that. just cause I didn't post important information.
where else should I ask, to be sure?

JayT 09-24-2009 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by Miyavifan (Post 773213)
I know.... I was just making sure I wasn't wrong. and also my question was answered already.

and there's no need to say that. just cause I didn't post important information.
where else should I ask, to be sure?

Huh? I wasn't even referring to your posts,
I was talking about all the useless rumor and fighting posts.

lself 09-24-2009 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by JayT (Post 773209)
Toshiya only plays bass.

Now for something actually useful, their new tour dates:
Dir En Grey | On Tour In 2009!

Darn, they should come to Portland again. Or Seattle:P

Is that all their dates for sure? or will there may be more?

TheCrimson 09-24-2009 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by jrocker21 (Post 773115)
wasn't necessary to bring up the links?? OMG, those links were to prove that the rumor was soaring around and she wasn't making things up.
really, i don't think it was necessary to delete the links just cause you didn't like them.. or if it was the fact that rei was being negative. ppl have their own opinions whether it's positive or negative. that's life.

and i totally agree with nans.

it was an interesting topic btw not only cause it was diru related but jpn related too.
haha, dai pimpin' himself. LMAO.

as for the new single..
not that exciting. >_>

and after your post, hun, she said "all it did was upset me" don't you love how it's always about her? or how she loves to make it all about her? and don't you love how she deletes things she doesn't like? nothing about the link was explicit or anything. it was just against what she believed in. how lovely.

i was watching some of the older videos of theirs we had... their older stuff is definitely more interesting than the new digestible shiz :'D at least my eyes don't need to put up with Kyo's ugliness - all that make up was necessary.

Miyavifan 09-25-2009 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by JayT (Post 773214)
Huh? I wasn't even referring to your posts,
I was talking about all the useless rumor and fighting posts.

well, looks like I misunderstood, due to that being in your reply, with my post quoted. sorry.


chance to win tickets to Diru in L.A. (contest hasn't started yet)
Dir En Grey Ticket Giveaway soon and Auncia Interview posted - Animefood Magazine's MySpace Blog |

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