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Kyashi 10-15-2009 07:31 AM

Dir en grey <3
Hi there.
I just signed up for this site, and well my first thread had to be Dir en grey

Any fans please post
They're amazing
I love kyo's originality, his great!

Nimura Tooru :)

Hope to see some post Bye~ :ywave:

TokyoSamurai20 10-15-2009 03:07 PM

Dir En Grey is another j-rock band I like I love so many of there songs and I hope to see them in concert one day that would be cool and a new experience for me to go to a concert of theres.

jrocker21 10-17-2009 09:35 PM

The older version of them is awesome live..
I saw a glimpse of that style when Kyo use cut himself..etc etc.

I would prefer to see something similiar to 5UglyKingdom which I think is the best next to Vulgarism tour.

Nowadays, their concerts live are not that impressive to me anymore.. with all that screaming and growling.

Reason why I chose to skip next month's concert in Denver.

lself 11-26-2009 05:52 PM

New PV preview from their single coming out in December I think.

NanteNa 12-12-2009 10:33 PM

Full version!!!


For the first time since Dozing Green they released a song that's just... EPIC!

lself 12-12-2009 10:37 PM

Ah, Kyo's voice is so refreshing. I just love it:rheart:

ilovedaisuke7 12-12-2009 10:41 PM

I like it, but I still feel like it's lacking that special Diru quality.
I don't know, it just feels a tiny bit mainstream to me.

And are you for real Nan?
You didn't like Uroboros!?!?!

NanteNa 12-12-2009 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 (Post 788845)
I like it, but I still feel like it's lacking that special Diru quality.
I don't know, it just feels a tiny bit mainstream to me.

And are you for real Nan?
You didn't like Uroboros!?!?!

I didn't like anything on that stupid-ass album. -kicks waste of money-

I like it : D It's a bit DG'ish..

ilovedaisuke7 12-12-2009 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 788858)
I didn't like anything on that stupid-ass album. -kicks waste of money-

I like it : D It's a bit DG'ish..

Go kill yourself.
Hahah kidding.
But seriously, how could hate that album!?! I think it's the best.
Toguro is definitely one of the best Dir en grey song's I've ever heard.

I feel like I've heard those guitar riffs before, you know?
It just, I don't know, it didn't settle well.
It didn't hit the spot. XD

NanteNa 12-12-2009 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 (Post 788870)
Go kill yourself.
Hahah kidding.
But seriously, how could hate that album!?! I think it's the best.
Toguro is definitely one of the best Dir en grey song's I've ever heard.

I feel like I've heard those guitar riffs before, you know?
It just, I don't know, it didn't settle well.
It didn't hit the spot. XD

Bsh! >_>'' THANKS! -spits on floor-
Watch it, young lady!

It just didn't do it for me.. >_>''
''didn't hit the spot''. lol XD

Yeah I know, but that's how the simple chords in rock music work. Haha XD I just like it..

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