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Anemone 02-15-2011 04:32 AM

I'm glad it wasn't too long. I don't have the attention span to listen to long songs (over 6 minutes usually) no matter how much I like them. I've only listened to Vinushka once.

I have no idea what sound direction they're going in now, but I like it. Their album will be interesting for sure.

xkmkmlmx 02-15-2011 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by Anemone (Post 851112)
I'm glad it wasn't too long. I don't have the attention span to listen to long songs (over 6 minutes usually) no matter how much I like them. I've only listened to Vinushka once.

I'd say you're missing out on some amazing music with that logic. Dir en grey or otherwise.

JamboP26 02-15-2011 10:29 AM

Yeah. I was a bit hesitant to listen to Vinushka at its length, but my sister was listening to Diru and I asked 'What song is that?' as I hadn't heard it. 'Vinushka' was the reply, and now I am absolutely in love with the song.

I'd say Dir En Grey have gone from Visual Kei, to J-Rock, with a great deal of screamed vocals. Put them along-side the likes of Atreyu, Pantera, Killswitch Engage...

Masocyst of Decadence is another long Diru song, from the first album, Gauze. I love how thay manage to keep up the energy throughout the song, and they don't seem as long, in the end.

xkmkmlmx 02-15-2011 11:10 AM

What is it with long songs that you don't like though? Is your attention span really that bad? That is awful if that is the case.

Dir en grey have some AMAZING songs all over 7 minutes long. Zakuro, Macabre (almost 11 minutes!), Ain't Afraid to Die (O_O!!!) and one of my favorite Diru tracks ever, Akuro no Oka.

JamboP26 02-15-2011 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by xkmkmlmx (Post 851156)
What is it with long songs that you don't like though? Is your attention span really that bad? That is awful if that is the case.

Dir en grey have some AMAZING songs all over 7 minutes long. Zakuro, Macabre (almost 11 minutes!), Ain't Afraid to Die (O_O!!!) and one of my favorite Diru tracks ever, Akuro no Oka.

I've not listened to Zakuro or Macabre, because I don't own the album(s) and don't want to download them, and if I listen on youTube, I'll like it and it'll make me want to download them. I'll get the albums soon enough. I agree though, Ain't Afraid To Die and Akuro no Oka are just amazing. I like long songs (look at Machine Head. Nearly a whole album of 9 minute tracks), but the way Vinushka started. I'm not a fan of acoustic songs, and tbh, haven't really 'listened' to Inconvenient Ideal, but Ware, Yami Tote.... turned me round, and when I listen to Inconvenient Ideal, I'm sure I'll love it.

xkmkmlmx 02-15-2011 07:56 PM

Good deal. I have the utmost respect for you for wanting to wait and buy the albums before you listen.

I don't know what you're saying with all the stuff with Inconvenient Ideal though, lol.

But glad we aree on Aukuro no oka/Ain't Afraid. But what self respecting Deg fan wouldn't? ;)

Anemone 02-16-2011 03:55 AM

I can sit and listen to a song that long once or twice, or every once in a while when I feel like it, but I definitely can't regularly. I know it's sad, but I can't help it. Usually when I listen to music, I'll change songs a minute or two into it. I've gotten better with that though.

My favourite Diru song at the moment is Yokan. I just really like how that sounds. (And I always love Saku and Dozing Green) I'll have to go back and listen to the longer songs, though. I usually just disregard them right away.

JamboP26 02-16-2011 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by xkmkmlmx (Post 851234)
Good deal. I have the utmost respect for you for wanting to wait and buy the albums before you listen.

I don't know what you're saying with all the stuff with Inconvenient Ideal though, lol.

But glad we aree on Aukuro no oka/Ain't Afraid. But what self respecting Deg fan wouldn't? ;)

The Inconvenient Ideal comment jist, is basically, I've not listened to it properly yet, because I'm not too great a fan of acoustic songs (Although the bands I like always do good acoustic songs - 'Ain't Afraid...' for example), but when I finally listen to it, I'm sure I'll love it. Diru always do wonders


Originally Posted by Anemone (Post 851310)
I can sit and listen to a song that long once or twice, or every once in a while when I feel like it, but I definitely can't regularly. I know it's sad, but I can't help it. Usually when I listen to music, I'll change songs a minute or two into it. I've gotten better with that though.

My favourite Diru song at the moment is Yokan. I just really like how that sounds. (And I always love Saku and Dozing Green) I'll have to go back and listen to the longer songs, though. I usually just disregard them right away.

I do that sometimes too, the skip a minute in thing. I love Yokan (& every other Diru song) and can easily switch from older Diru to the more modern stuff... & I prefer the Japanese version of Dozing Green. lol. Although the English version is awesome too.

...& Happy Birthday, Kyo. 35 today :ywave:

xkmkmlmx 02-16-2011 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Anemone (Post 851310)
I can sit and listen to a song that long once or twice, or every once in a while when I feel like it, but I definitely can't regularly. I know it's sad, but I can't help it. Usually when I listen to music, I'll change songs a minute or two into it. I've gotten better with that though.

I still don't get the mentality. It isn't like you have to sit there and listen to the song like watching a movie. Like right now, I am posting on a forum while listening to Miyavi. I am *hearing* the song, but not entirely focusing on it. I am not staring at the stereo going omg ok I can't listen to this more than 2 minutes! Especially since a lot of ballad or long songs change into something entirely different multiple times throughout. It can be sometimes 3 songs in one, for instance. It is rarely the same riff/chorus being repeated for 10 minutes straight.

I'll say it again, it just makes no sense whatsoever. You're missing out!


Originally Posted by Anemone (Post 851310)
My favourite Diru song at the moment is Yokan. I just really like how that sounds. (And I always love Saku and Dozing Green) I'll have to go back and listen to the longer songs, though. I usually just disregard them right away.

Love me some Yokan. You can't go wrong with anything on Guaze.

JamboP26 02-16-2011 09:29 PM

Just listened to Inconvenient Ideal. It IS amazing :D

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