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Anemone 02-17-2011 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by xkmkmlmx (Post 851439)
I still don't get the mentality. It isn't like you have to sit there and listen to the song like watching a movie. Like right now, I am posting on a forum while listening to Miyavi. I am *hearing* the song, but not entirely focusing on it. I am not staring at the stereo going omg ok I can't listen to this more than 2 minutes! Especially since a lot of ballad or long songs change into something entirely different multiple times throughout. It can be sometimes 3 songs in one, for instance. It is rarely the same riff/chorus being repeated for 10 minutes straight.

I'll say it again, it just makes no sense whatsoever. You're missing out!

It's difficult for me to sit through movies also. And, unless I'm reading (like a book, not just comments) I always focus on my music. I can't help it. I'm complicated and I possibly have ADD XD But I'll listen to Vinushka+other longer Diru songs and get back to you on their greatness.

JamboP26 03-09-2011 02:08 PM

I'm particularly enjoying 'The Marrow of a Bone' album. If the new album follows that, and UROBOROS, then we're in for a treat

xkmkmlmx 03-09-2011 07:32 PM

Sadly, Marrow is the one diru release I can not get into. Withering to Death is amazing, and Uroboros is solid. Don't know what happened with Marrow though. :/

JamboP26 03-10-2011 09:03 AM

Thats interesting...I've yet to find a Dir En Grey song I don't like....

jplove 03-10-2011 04:49 PM

I'm curious how the new album will sound like.
Hageshisa,to... and LOTUS are both great songs!
I can't wait.....

VincentCross 03-10-2011 09:09 PM

Aya Hirano! thats my answer for all my music problumes.

MertG 03-14-2011 01:19 PM

Dir en grey uncedided solo cover die part By Mert Güder

Dir en grey - undecided Solo by mnar118 on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

please comment :vsign:

From Turkey

Tooru 03-25-2011 02:00 AM

I haven't listened to any Japanese in some time then a diru song came on today and I feel in love again. I never remember why I stop listening to them every couple months.

JamboP26 03-25-2011 02:05 AM

I listen to Diru at least once every day

Tooru 03-25-2011 02:17 AM

I used too, even when my son was born. He used to fall asleep to agitated screams of maggots. I'm moved around alot lately and lost half my crap. I had most of Diru's CDs, All of Gackts CDs, 500 manga, and a bunch of other stuff too. Now I have two Diru CDs three Gackt, one Hyde, no Miyavi and four manga left. =/ It's pretty lame. Since I had to order online and I have no credit card it's easier to buy Green day, Billy talent and the bloodhound gang than it is anything J-rock/pop.

But at least I have the decade albums still. A little sample of each CD.

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