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jplove 05-31-2011 08:09 PM

New Single 22th June DIFFERENT SENSE
New Album 3th August DUM SPIRO SPERO
heard 15 seconds from DRIFFERENT SENSE-sounds awesome

JamboP26 06-01-2011 08:01 AM

Dir En Grey - London Koko - August 12th.......& I'm going. Yay!!! :pompoms: :pinkclap:

KungMartin 06-02-2011 01:40 PM

man what happened, dir en grey look totally pimping nowadays. i like their new look, especailly on Kyo.

Tooru 07-08-2011 01:09 AM

Kyo always looks good. xD Though I have to say I'm really liking that he has his black hair back. n__n

For the last week I've been listening to Red Soil like crazy. I love it.

KungMartin 07-12-2011 03:46 PM

yea kyo with black hair is awesome.

but damn jigga, he shaved his head, that's just straight up gangsta, son : D

makes me wanna shave my head too, got so many friends nagging me to do it, cuz they think it would suit me. but i always thought they just wanted to make me one of them, cuz they all fucking shave their heads lol.

but that's just on my pothead non j-rock listening friends side xD my j-rock friends all got long hair =D

Miyavifan 10-19-2011 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by KungMartin (Post 871608)
yea kyo with black hair is awesome.

but damn jigga, he shaved his head, that's just straight up gangsta, son : D

makes me wanna shave my head too, got so many friends nagging me to do it, cuz they think it would suit me. but i always thought they just wanted to make me one of them, cuz they all fucking shave their heads lol.

but that's just on my pothead non j-rock listening friends side xD my j-rock friends all got long hair =D

He looks really good, though. Of course, he always does, imo.

quptj7196lasjdf 10-25-2011 02:29 AM

Why didnt they just delete the posts?? :S not the

visualkeito 11-08-2011 07:39 PM

im pretty excited about seeing them in december.
this will be my first dir en grey live.

visualkeito 12-11-2011 05:38 PM

their live last night was amazing.
i had a total blast.

KrisRSS 12-21-2011 07:18 AM

I'm new on the site.
I am from Russia.
I love Japanese rock music.
I was at a concert Dir en grey in Moscow this year.
If interested, I can show you some pictures from the concert)
I'll wait for their concert in Russia again.
I've been doing cosplay - Die.

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