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Tooru 01-30-2008 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by jrocker21 (Post 381374)
cdjapan is the best!!
you get your stuff in week tops!!

Unless it's christmas. xDD They it might take a little longer. O- o But That' s expected.

JRockaddict 01-30-2008 07:14 PM

i might start using CD Japan....
JPOP Help is friggin expensive!!

jrocker21 01-30-2008 07:14 PM

you think??
i got my stuff easily during christmas!!
*clings to dvds and albums*

Tooru 01-30-2008 09:14 PM

Not fair!! Diru's Decade album was suposed to be at my house on the 20th and because of chirstmas It didn't get here until the 27th. ( >_>)

jrocker21 01-30-2008 10:22 PM

yeah, i got them the day before christmas..
a x-mas gift for me!!!

but i don't like the remake of child prey in the decade albums..
sounds awkward.

ajsnoopy 01-30-2008 11:58 PM

I was planning on ordering the decade albums, or at least the first one for now. It's just tugging at me whether I 'need' it, lol....leaning more towards I do, lol

Touya 01-31-2008 12:19 AM

I doubt you do.

MaymeRachael 01-31-2008 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Tooru (Post 381283)
Yeah, CD Japan is Sweetness, I've bought all my Jrock from there. n___n

What do shipping rates run?

ajsnoopy 01-31-2008 02:11 AM

as of now, I believe you're correct Touya ^__^ forgot about the stuff I had on my pc at home ;)

InsaneDoll 01-31-2008 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Eveilaje (Post 380231)
A pleasure of mine milady...:rheart:

-ego gets boosted-


Originally Posted by Eveilaje (Post 380231)
Wow. As I have foreseen, Tooru got out of Kyo's bed and jumped in to help. What a spirit of sisterhood. What an impudence. No no Tooru, you should take Nina as a model...

oh noes .. it seems you`ve got your mouth dirty of cunning english.

pies: sorry .. but I have nothing to say on topic. for now.

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