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JRockaddict 02-06-2008 01:16 AM

as request by miyavifan!

YouTube - Dir en grey - laugh

YouTube - Why is Diru so kawaii - Robokiss

YouTube - [Clip] Dir en grey - Arcade in Sendai

YouTube - Dir en grey - Kick the can

hope u like them!!

Miyavifan 02-06-2008 01:19 AM

well, I just had to watch one, even though I will have to catch a later bus...

so I watched the laughing one. Totchi is a dork.

YouTube - Diru Goes crazy

(I decided to stay til close, and take tomorrow off, instead of trying to get work from temp agency. I was up at 3 am today, and 2:30 am yesterday....

I\'m gonna watch the other funny vids posted, since I\'ve decided to stay.

MaymeRachael 02-06-2008 01:40 AM

I remember when I first found the "Kick the Can" vid!
I watched it for a half hour straight, just laughin\'! ^_~


JRockaddict 02-06-2008 02:03 AM

i did the same thing!!!
i was so amused by it!!
it still makes me laugh!!

Tooru 02-06-2008 02:07 AM

Ahaha, I love that video. xDDD

MaymeRachael 02-06-2008 02:08 AM

I know it\'s just so much funny things happening that it never gets old! ^~

JRockaddict 02-06-2008 02:11 AM

yup yup!!
it\'s one of mai fave Diru fanvids ever!!

Miyavifan 02-06-2008 02:12 AM

well, I watched them, and they quite amused me.

so much to comment on, I am not even sure where to start.

MaymeRachael 02-06-2008 02:12 AM

Have you seen the one where Kyo is covered in nasty white paint and Kaoru takes the camera and there\'s a little arrow pointing to Kyo over his shoulder? ^_^

JRockaddict 02-06-2008 02:15 AM

i believe it\'s titled "Kyo Birdshit O_o"

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