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NanteNa 12-25-2007 09:35 PM

Hahahh! They're awesome lpdiru ^_^v

MaymeRachael 12-26-2007 01:24 AM

Well, I just bought a 5 cd set of Miyavi off of ebay and I still want Diru's latest so I'll check out CDJapan, thanx guys!

ilovedaisuke7 12-26-2007 01:25 AM

Wait... is Decade going to be released in America? O_o

MaymeRachael 12-26-2007 01:28 AM

I thought so...maybe not?!?! o_O
I know it won't be in Canada! >_<'

ilovedaisuke7 12-26-2007 01:33 AM

Hopefully it will be!
Those poor Canadians... XD

JRockaddict 12-26-2007 01:44 AM

*hugglez Shinya for 10seconds and gives back to insanedoll*
it's christmas...
u said i could...

Touya 12-26-2007 03:03 AM

You could always import it. It doesn't need to be released in the USA. I already imported it. Why wait?

NanteNa 12-26-2007 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by MaymeRachael (Post 336528)
Well, I just bought a 5 cd set of Miyavi off of ebay

You did WHAT?!?!? O_o''
Such things excist?? *dies* God dammit! Which cd's were in it??

Argh! T_T; Importing stuff to DK is so expensive. O_O'' *whine* That's the tail of being a jrock-fan. T_T''

Daisuki13 12-26-2007 03:05 PM

I'm so Happy~!!
I got "Marrow Of A Bone" For Christmas~!!
I'm listening to it now~!!

MaymeRachael 12-26-2007 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 336786)
You did WHAT?!?!? O_o''
Such things excist?? *dies* God dammit! Which cd's were in it??

  1. MyVpops CD/DVD
  2. Galyuu
  3. Miyavizm
  4. Garaku
  5. Dokuso

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