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Obscene 03-16-2008 02:52 AM

Oh really? Can you post some of it here? :o

I really want to hear some of the old old stuff. xP

lpdirufangirl09 03-16-2008 02:55 AM

anyone have any super new pictures of the guys?

Obscene 03-16-2008 03:46 AM

Unfortunately, I don't have anything that's new. :/ I haven't been able to find anything.

DivineBled 03-16-2008 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by lpdirufangirl09 (Post 428761)
anyone have any super new pictures of the guys?

i didn't receive them yet. Toshiya normally sends me everything.

DivineBled 03-16-2008 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by Obscene (Post 428759)
Oh really? Can you post some of it here? :o

I really want to hear some of the old old stuff. xP

I can, after I go through my Jrukku database. I damn near own everything in Jrock, kid you not.

DivineBled 03-16-2008 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by nossdesagel (Post 428745)
*dies from jealousy*

uh.**blinks** you jealous because of.........o_O?:eek: :confused:

Obscene 03-16-2008 04:22 AM

Are you meaning Toshiya, like Diru Toshiya? o_o

DivineBled 03-16-2008 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by Obscene (Post 428793)
Are you meaning Toshiya, like Diru Toshiya? o_o

yeah. that's the only Toshiya I;ve known for 3 years.

Obscene 03-16-2008 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by DivineBled (Post 428795)
yeah. that's the only Toshiya I;ve known for 3 years.

How on earth did you meet him? :O Details, details!

DivineBled 03-16-2008 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by Obscene (Post 428805)

How on earth did you meet him? :O Details, details!

send me a PM

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